Sign and symbolic context of culture

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The article reveals rituality prerequisites in "chronotope" of culture where the person is soaked by his modalities into a sign and symbolic context. Universal cognitive process of the person connected with perception, assessment and understanding of signs and symbols of culture triggers consciousness into "semiosphere". Substitute symbols of real objects and their material signs, transfer the meanings of symbolic actions, therefore rituals of culture are the separate complexes of symbols in operation. The sign and symbolic context of culture is inherently iconic. It possesses characteristics of "psychological coaction" and "exisnence acceleration". Rituals, signs and symbols of culture are included in tradition being its most obvious vectors. In general, they try to make the gap between the past and the present more delusive, to provide continuity and the task is simplified thanks to the continuous process of "over-determination of symbols". Conclusion: Having considered rituality of various chronotopes and modalities of culture as a set of sign systems, we will emphasize that cultural and historical context acts as the uniting beginning of the myth, the sign and the symbol in rituals. The research of rituals in culture allows to allocate sign and symbolic space, borders, rhythm, structure, and stylistics of culture in general that defines the developed symbolism of signs of art and the reflection of "cogitosphere", "soul (moral??)sphere" of the person in sign and symbolic interpretation.


Sign, symbol, sign and symbolic context of culture

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IDR: 148102387

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