21st century British fiction: the realistic teleology of David Mitchell and Ian McEwan's novels

Автор: Drozdovskyi Dmytro I.

Журнал: Новый филологический вестник @slovorggu

Рубрика: Зарубежные литературы

Статья в выпуске: 2 (57), 2021 года.

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In the paper, I have identified and clarified the characteristics of postpostmodern realism outlined previously, manifested in British fiction: maximum details of reality by introducing non-literary and extra-life components, outlining the idea of integrity of the world (developed in the German Romanticism) in Ian McEwan and David Mitchell’s fiction of the 21st century. By extra-life components, I mean scientific terms to denote organic foundations that are basic in human material, in its biochemical and psycho-neuro-physiological processes. Moreover, the exploitation of such concepts, the medicalized way of understanding the world enhances new realism: rational-metaphysical or positivist-metaphysical, which provides a scientific view of the nature of things around characters as molecules with consciousness. At the same time, such a vision does not deny metaphysical phenomena (God, providence). Typologically, it is similar to the Romantic worldview, which exploits the holistic capture of reality in fantastic, mystical and real (physical) phenomena. The idea of teleology is represented in McE-wan’s and Mitchell’s fiction providing the return of grand narratives as post-postmodern discourses in which the characters seek for the senses that may help to understand the truth and find the explanation for the human and universe nature organization. “Cloud Atlas” is a representation of the metanarrative story that reinforces the German Romanticism concept of the unity between different parts of the work and the human being. In “Saturday”, this unity is explained by the post-positivist mind of the protagonist who philosophically explains social and cultural phenomena using his medical knowledge.


Post-postmodernism, contemporary British fiction, realisms, German Romanticism, Cloud Atlas, Saturday, I. McEwan, D. Mitchell

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149136591

IDR: 149136591   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-9316-2021-00056

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