Activity of the Russian main choirs 'singers as the court service class people in 16th-17th centuries

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In Moscow of the 16th-17th centuries there were two closely related centers of professional musical art. They were the choir at the Tsar's court and the choir at the court of the metropolitan (since 1589 - patriarch) of Moscow and all Russia, which united the best creative powers of the country. According to the author, the study of historical data on the life and activities of the Tsar's and patriarchal singers indicates that they belonged to the category of court service class people. Directions of their activities have often expanded. This was determined not only by the fact that the singers were literate, and sometimes had a high level of education, but also by the lack of a clear differentiation of services in the developing state apparatus, which made it possible to use the singers in various services - from file clerk to military. The findings are based on an analysis of a wide range of diverse archival documents and other sources. The obtained results allow us to clarify the social status of masters, who are often referred to the clergy class by researchers.


Tsar's singing diaki, patriarch's singers, court service class people, professional activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147233377   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh190410

Список литературы Activity of the Russian main choirs 'singers as the court service class people in 16th-17th centuries

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