Acmeological basis of academic staff professional trajectory

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This article investigates the problem of using acmeological principles as a foundation for the professional trajectory of academic staff in contemporary conditions. Today, university teachers are required to demonstrate effective performance, continual professional and personal self-development, and regular updates of professional skills. The relevance of this work is determined by the search for new theoretical foundations for the professional development of educators, alongside the necessity for clearer interpretations of the professional trajectories of university instructors. An activity-based trajectory, grounded in acmeological principles, can provide academic staff with a clear understanding of their professional advancement, the formation of professional identity, and goal-setting, which lead to increased work productivity and greater job satisfaction. Aiming to demonstrate the acmeological basis for the professional trajectory of educators, the author incorporated these principles into the process of building professional trajectory that resulted in an acmeologically justified route for the development of specialists. Using analysis, synthesis, and modeling, the author showed the interconnection between the principles of acmeology and the professional development of academic staff; substantiated the possibility of constructing trajectories for the qualification growth of instructors; and clarified the interpretation of the concept and the vectors of its orientation. The author concludes that reliance on acmeology enables to construct professional trajectories for higher education professionals that demonstrates the individual’s maturity within the framework of work activity and its effectiveness, as well as clarity in goal-setting and a high level of professionalism. The findings of the research can be incorporated into the training programs for future educators, as well as advanced training courses for academic staff.


Professional trajectory, academic staff, acmeology, acmeological approach, educational environment, professionalism, professional maturity

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IDR: 147245980   |   DOI: 10.14529/ped240410

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