Theoretical-methodological bases analysis of inclusive education

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In article the short analysis of theoretical-methodological bases оf inclusive education is presented. For is administrative-organizational activity and the decision of organizational-pedagogical problems at the analysis of problems of process of introduction inclusive education in Russia it is necessary to use structurally-system and is functional-target variants of the system approach. The purpose of modern model of education - to help everyone trained, including with development problems, success achievement, with realization and disclosing of internal potential, not to admit its exception of a public life. From a position of philosophical and pedagogical anthropology scientists approach to research of anthropological aspects of a problem of training and development of the person with the limited possibilities of ability to live in conditions inclusive education, proceeding from position, that the person with special requirements more than the usual person, requires the education, giving to it selfdevelopment and self-realization possibility as unity of corporal, spiritual and sincere development. It is shown in dialogical process of constant and active interaction of the person with social-cultural environment during a life and activity in the conditions of the certain time period. In given article the questions, concerning a choice of optimum model of inclusive education from organizational-administrative models of inclusive education existing in world practice are consecrated. The attention that the organizational-administrative model of process inclusive education introductions should be based on application the synergetic approach at the decision of organizational-pedagogical problems educational inclusion is focused.


Inclusion education, synergetic approach, organizational-administrative model of process, theoretical-methodical bases inclusive education, dialogical process, organizational-pedagogical problem, educational inclusion, integrative approach, theoretical-methodological basis


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IDR: 14951447

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