Antonymy as the substance of the comic in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky

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The article examines the phenomenon of the comic in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky in a particular aspect of its instrumental support - as a phenomenon based on various methods and angles of contextual actualization of the general linguistic category of semantic opposition (lexical antonymy). In the writer's work, the comic acts as the antithesis of the tragic and in the plot-narrative interaction with it. The special constructive role of antonymy in the organization of the semantic space of the writer's works is noted. It is shown that within the framework of the task of forming a text of an innovative type, the writer gives preference to contextual antonymy and phenomena of syntactic irregularity when creating a comic type. The thesis of the comic as a complex multifunctional pragmatic sign is substantiated. The productive role of linguistic connotations in comic contexts built on the category of semantic opposition is revealed. As a special method of structuring the comic, the possibility of antonymic substitution as part of a usual idiomatic syntactic group is demonstrated. As a separate structural variant of the comic, the technique of antonymization of actual linguistic semantics and presuppositions is singled out. In conclusion, the author concludes that it is legitimate and justified to single out and scientifically discursively actualize this particular aspect of the functioning of antonymy in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky as a research task within the framework of the fundamental traditional problem of "the language and style of the writer".


Fyodor dostoevsky, antonyms, comic, complex pragmatic sign, usual and contextual semantics, connotations

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IDR: 148328464   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-94-30-39

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