Indigenous people of the Arctic and North. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (13): Indigenous people of the Arctic and North
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Chukotskii ethnos in the ethno-cultural space

Chukotskii ethnos in the ethno-cultural space

Crimskii A.V.

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The description of the historical, spiritual, moral and ethnic aspects of the formation of the chukchi ethnic group in the context of its presence in the Russian space.


Chuvans – are one of the largest tribes of yukagirs

Chuvans – are one of the largest tribes of yukagirs

Kononova A.I.

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Identified and presented chuvans number, location and contemporary historical homeland, paganism, shamanism, rituals, traditional crafts, as well as the current situation.


Do nents people the ethnos, which disappear?

Do nents people the ethnos, which disappear?

Lukin Y.F.

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It is researched the problems of the number of the Nenets, the language skills, management models, administrative and territorial unit at the beginning of the XXI century.


Indigenous people of the Arctic: concept, the current status of culture

Indigenous people of the Arctic: concept, the current status of culture

Sokolova F.H.

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Disclosed the etymological roots and essence of the concepts of ‛indigenous man’, ‛indigenous people’, displays the evolution of the content of the definitions of ‛indigenous people’ in the Russian and international legal practice, the ratio found in the evolutionary tradition and culture of the indigenous people of the Arctic.


Itelmeni - are of the most ancient population on the planet

Itelmeni - are of the most ancient population on the planet

Romanko J.I.

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Analyzed the following factors: 1) the time of the birth of the Itelmens, their ancestral home, belonging to a group of languages, 2) check the specified region 3) religious beliefs, customs and traditions, arts and crafts 4) the social organization of the society. Attention is paid to the process of assimilation itelmens in Russian culture, the perspectivs for its survival.


People, who are living on the territory of 4 Arctic states — saami (lopari)

People, who are living on the territory of 4 Arctic states — saami (lopari)

Golovina U.I.,Yarunicheva V.F.

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The article describes one of the largest and well-known people of the circumpolar space — sami. Particular attention is paid to the origin of the people, linguistic features, culture, beliefs, art, and social and political self-organization.


Religious views and the problem of preservation mother tongue of the evenks

Religious views and the problem of preservation mother tongue of the evenks

Kartcev Y.N.

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The description of religious beliefs, indicated the problem of preserving the native language of the evens.


The history and culture of the nenets population

The history and culture of the nenets population

Leontieva A.V., Bugaeva K.M.

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The article reveals the nucleation time and the resettlement of the nenets people, religious beliefs, folk art and culture.


The traditional culture of the esquimau

The traditional culture of the esquimau

Starikov V.V., Kolihaev R.I.

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A brief description of the origin, name, language, of esquimau, indigenous beliefs, cultures and contemporary sociopolitical life.


The unique population of dolgani

The unique population of dolgani

Bugaeva K.M.

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Dolgans – is a unique people, which to this day remain a nomadic way of life and traditions. The article gives a description of their origin, resettlement area, beliefs, traditional culture.


Tlingit – indigenious people of the North America

Tlingit – indigenious people of the North America

Ershova J.V.

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Focus on the issues of the language, resettlement and migration tlingit cultural values, customs, traditions, religion, social and economic status, political leaders.


Traditional culture and modern social organization of the evenks

Traditional culture and modern social organization of the evenks

Bidnaya K.V.

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We analyzed the aspects of the origin of the name Evenk, language, place and time of birth, the range of its current distribution, traditional beliefs, culture, contemporary social organization.


Traditional economic activity – ethno-preserved life style

Traditional economic activity – ethno-preserved life style

Kirko V.I., Zakharova K.N.

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At present, the main problem of indigenous people should be marked as a created trend, which formed out indigenious people from maintaining the traditional way of life and of the kinds of the traditional economic activities of indigenous people to move to cities and towns, where in this population problems of the social integration and employment that leads to a crisis of their development, the gradual loss of cultural and national begun.

