Aspects of the concept "morality" in Russian and foreign studies

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The article considers various aspects of morality. The criteria of morality of different authors are listed. The results of Russian and foreign theme-based studies are analyzed. Conclusion: To make the fullest picture of development of morality of primary school students, four components of morality were allocated: 1) Motivational and necessity component. Aspects related: moral orientation of the relations, desire to help the neighbor, moral requirements, aspiration to manifestation of love and care, friendship, socialising, interaction with peers. In other words, the high level of development of this component of morality characterizes desire and aspiration to enter into moral relations but not others. 2) Emotional and sense component. In the framework of this research an ability to sympathize, empathize, empathy level; possession of means of emotional response to problems, offenses, physical pain of other people; culture of expression of feelings and emotions; ability to operate the emotions is understood under this component. 3) Valuable and semantic component of morality. This component is shown in the depth of judgment and knowledge of ethical standards and rules, in volume of moral ideas about human relations; in ability to find acceptable ways of an exit from situations of the moral dilemma, in knowledge of life and problems of different people, and also of their need in help. In other words, knowledge of moral and morality refracted through a prism of personal sense of the individual are implemented in this component. 4) At last, behavioral and willing component represents a degree of formation of moral abilities, skills and habits of behavior; social and moral activity and initiative, and also features of behavior in difficult moral situations and its stability in the relations with different people.


Moral education, components of morality, the criteria of morality, moral identity, moral consciousness, moral behavior

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IDR: 148102375

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