Different grades flour and finished bread products' Safety

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The purpose of the study is to determine the safety of flour and finished bread products of PJSC Krasnoyarskij hleb depending on the content of heavy metals and arsenic. Tasks: determination of the content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, zinc) and arsenic in flour of different varieties and in "Firmennyj" and "Belyj" bread; identification of correlations between the dynamics of heavy metals in the system "raw materials - finished bakery products"; the influence of technological processes on the content of heavy metals in the bread "Firmennyj" and "Belyj". The objects of the study are wheat flour of different grades (highest, first, second) and finished products of PJSC Krasnoyarskij hleb - varieties of bread "Firmennyj" and "Belyj". The amount of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, zinc) in the flour of different varieties and in the bread "Firmennyj" and "Belyj" does not exceed the MAC. The content of arsenic was not found in samples of flour (highest, first and second grade) and bread "Firmennyj" and "Belyj". There are differences between the content of some heavy metals in flour and finished products. The content of lead in the flour of the first grade is 0.13±0.08 mg/kg, and in the bread "Firmennyj" - 0.10±0.05 mg/kg. The content of mercury in the flour of the first grade is 0.006±0.002 mg/kg, and in the bread "Firmennyj" - 0.003±0.001 mg/kg. A similar decrease in the content of heavy metals is observed in the finished product samples of "Belyj" bread. The content of lead in flour of the second grade is 0.15±0.02 mg/kg, and in white bread it is 0.14±0.01 mg/kg. The content of zinc in flour of the second grade is 8.20±1.43 mg/kg, and in white bread - 7.49±0.63 mg/kg. Such data allow us to consider that during the technological process of making bread, namely the temperature component, the content of heavy metals decreases. Correlations of the dynamics of heavy metals in the system "raw materials - finished bakery products" show high reliability and statistical significance. The influence of technological processes during bread baking, namely the increase in temperature, reduces the content of heavy metals (lead, mercury, copper, zinc) in the finished product in "Firmennyj" and "Belyj" bread.


Heavy metals, arsenic, safety, flour of the highest, first and second grade, bread

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140294697

IDR: 140294697   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-5-234-240

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