Bioecological research projects of schoolchildren (methodological training of students during pedagogical practice)

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The methodology and content of the project activities of students in biology is relevant in a modern school and should be applied in educational activities. Project activities have a fruitful effect on the personality of students, include them in social and research work. This work provides for the implementation of a system of sequential actions, makes it possible to express one's opinion and realize individual goals and objectives, to realize ideas, forms competencies aimed at searching and analyzing information, collecting data, observing and experimenting, helps develop communication skills and contribute to the product by group or individual work. Also, students most often acquire competence in the use of ICT. Each student acts simultaneously as an organizer, executor, expert of activity. Since the biology curriculum includes knowledge from many academic disciplines, the project activity clearly implements interdisciplinary connections. The knowledge acquired by students in the course of project activities is more solid. The analysis of work on project activities shows that students increase the level of formation of key competencies (problem setting, goal setting, planning and evaluation of the result, search and processing of information, written communication, oral presentation, group work), which is recommended in the Federal State Educational Standard. Based on the data of various events for students in the Samara region, an analysis of the topics, content and quality of projects in biology and ecology was carried out, the main shortcomings were identified, and recommendations were given for their elimination. Developed, implemented and presented as examples of projects in grades 5-9 on the general topic «Medicinal plants». The proposed study is of practical importance, since the materials and conclusions can be used in the organization of educational and scientific and educational work of schoolchildren in the process of bioecological education and methodological training of students in the course of industrial pedagogical practices on the basis of Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education.


Project activity, educational and research work, research work, key competencies, interdisciplinary connections, learning outcomes

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148327200   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-91-52-57

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