Статьи журнала - Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research
Все статьи: 303

A Reflection on the Intonation in Erhu Performance
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Erhu (Chinese two-stringed violin) is one the most representative ethnic stringed instruments in China, and plays an important role in Chinese folk music. In the practice of Erhu performance, intonation has been troubling many Erhu players. Starting from the existing problems of Erhu intonation, this paper expounds the influence on the intonation from the four aspects of temperament, hand type, change handle and finger distance, and puts forward the corresponding correction methods: on the basis of slow training, standardize the left hand type and strengthen the training of traditional pentatonic scale, so as to improve the performance level of Erhu players.The purpose of this paper is to hope that the follow-up scholars can get inspiration from it and continue to pay attention to Erhu performance and study it deeply, so that Erhus teaching and performance will have a better development prospect in the future.

A true successor of great Central Asian scholars
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The study analyzed the life and scientific activities of the famous Arabist-Islamic Scholar, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ubaydulla Uvatov, and his contribution to the study of the scientific heritage of Central Asian scientists. In particular, the role of the scientist in the study of the scientific heritage of Amir Temur, Imam Termezi, Hakim Termezi, Abul Muin Nasafi, Mahmud Zamakhshari was revealed. The main problems faced by Ubaydulla Uvatov in studying the legacy of these scientists and statesmen were discussed. The author reveals the role of the scientist in the development of Islamic culture and science in Uzbekistan, the importance of studying human nature, and highlights his worthy contribution to the international spread of the religion of Islam.

Achievements of Soviet Sports in the USSR in the 1950-S-1980-S
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The article deals with the development of mass sports in the USSR in the 1950-s-1980-s. It is shown that mass sport has many important social and socially significant functions. It is a valuable form of recreation, which allows to restore physical energy spent in everyday life. In addition, sport provides a kind of compensation for those who do not feel satisfied with their achievements in other areas of life. It also promotes integration within and between groups, cares for a physically developed and healthy generation, and fulfills an ideological function. It is mass sport that has played a key role in the fulfillment of all these functions. Unlike high-performance sport, which covers a limited part of the population and is aimed at achieving certain results, mass sport is not a decisive factor in solving social and demographic problems of the state. It primarily serves to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Activities of russian naval intelligence during the Russo-japanese war of 1904-1905
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The article is devoted to the process of the activity of the Russian naval intelligence in Japan during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. The article deals with the problems that prevented Russian naval intelligence from continuing to work on the Japanese islands during the fighting. Not the least role in the circumstances was played by the Japanese counterintelligence, which was vigilantly watching for possible spies. At the same time, Russian counterintelligence in the Far Eastern region has shown its ineffectiveness. Information about the confrontation between Japanese and Russian naval intelligence is given. The reasons for the lag of the Russian naval intelligence from the Japanese colleagues are investigated. The prerequisites for successful professional results of Japanese scouts in the early twentieth century are analyzed. The author traces the relationship between the state policy of the Russian Empire and the formation of Russian naval intelligence in the Far East. The author studies the history of Russian intelligence and the Russian Imperial Navy in the early twentieth century. In addition, the operations of Japanese military intelligence officers are considered, such as: agitation among the small peoples of Siberia against the Russian government and the organization of an uprising of Macedonian revolutionaries in the Balkans with the aim of subsequently diverting the Russian army to the problems of this region. The most successful operation of the Japanese side was the creation of detachments of Hunghuz or Chinese bandits with enemy officers at the head of the rear of the Russian troops in Manchuria.

Ambivalence Human Nature and Social Justice
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Human nature is said to be ambivalent. We have clashing reactions, convictions, emotions towards something or somebody. We cherish and dislike, we acknowledge and dissect, we blow hot and cool at the same time and so on. We are comprised of inverse contradictory characteristics. This affect the way we relate with others and environment.The problem of social justice can be seen to emanate from the above. It is due to this problem that government institutions was set up in place to checkmate this excesses. This paper is thusly an endeavor to scrutinize the problem of ambivalent human nature in the light of social justice. The paper contends that for us to ensure social justice, it is important that we rise beyond our ambivalent human nature. This can only be done if we attempt to know ourselves as Socrates had advised and also allow the limitation of our being be the source of our joy.

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The article highlights the most important processes of restoration of the ancient state of Turan by the great commander Amir Temur. The article systematically highlights the socio-political and cultural situation in Transoxiana in the first half of the XIV century, the emerging ideals of independence, Patriotic movement, the struggle of the Greeks for freedom from Mongol invasion, the establishment of power, political influence and international power of Turan, the system of government of the state of Temur, Turan Economics, Finance and diplomatic relations, taxation, trade (import and export), landscaping and urban planning, science, education and art.

An incomparable book of a great scholar
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This article is devoted to the analysis of Al-Shamail an-Nabawiyya, one of the most important works of Abu Isa at-Tirmidhi. As it is known that Central Asian scholars made invaluable contributions to Islamic civilization. They played a special role in the development of secular and religious sciences in the Middle Ages. Indeed, since the creation of mankind in Central Asia, especially in the territory of Uzbekistan, the processes of civilization have not stopped, even for a moment. The advent of Islam further accelerated the ongoing processes. Ancient cities of Uzbekistan, such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Shosh, Nasaf, Termez, became major cultural centers. Scholars such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Darimi and Imam Tirmidhi grew up in these areas and founded a school of hadith scholars, which led to a special recognition of Islam. While Imam Bukhari was the first to form the Ahl al-Hadith tradition, Imam al-Tirmidhi took it to its highest peak. In Islam, the most reliable book after the Quran is six hadith collections. The author of the first reliable collection was Imam Bukhari, while Imam al-Tirmidhi authored the third collection of authentic hadiths through the book Sunan at-Tirmidhi. The scholars book Ash-Shamoil an-Nabawiyya is one of the most published works in the world. Indeed, this book has a special significance as it details the inner and outer aspects of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Although Imam al-Tirmidhis Sunan at-Tirmidhi was the basis for many studies, there is no comprehensive analytical study of the book Al-Shamoil an-Nabawiyya. Ash-Shamail an-Nabawiyya is a collection of hadiths compiled by the IXth-century scholar Tirmidhi regarding the intricate details of the Islamic prophet Muhammads appearance, belongings, manners and life. The book contains 399 narrations from the successors of Muhammad which are divided into 56 chapters. We analyzed the full content of the work and gave information about the scholars life, important works. The paper gives a brief account of the life and works of the scholar, the main focus is on the history of writing the book of Ash-Shamail an-Nabawiyya, its internal structure, its place in the Islamic world.

Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church to the population USSR during the Great Patriotic war
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The article discusses the assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church to the population of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Modern Russian reality allows us to rethink many aspects of our entire complex history, helps to understand the drama and dialectic of public life, to abandon many historical dogmas and stereotypes. In modern conditions, there is a formation and formation of a new attitude to the study of such a complex problem as state-church relations during the Soviet system, especially during the Great Patriotic War. This is largely facilitated by the ongoing process of restructuring in the sphere of public consciousness, which finds expression in the expansion of pluralism of opinions on the most acute problems of our past, including the relationship between the Soviet state and the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War. The importance of this article is determined primarily by the need for a comprehensive assessment of the entire complex of state-church relations during the war, the use of this experience to solve new problems, to extract from history the lessons necessary to understand the present and foresee the future.

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This article examines Omans human capital and research performance in the Global Innovation Index (GII) in 2012 and looking forward to 2024. The analysis shows that Oman has experienced significant ranking changes (both positive and negative) in education and research indicators. Oman has excelled in producing science and engineering graduates, but its ranking on human capital and research indicators is still very low compared to OECD countries. Researchers believe that these results point to areas where investment and policies need to be improved, focusing on R&D and quality of education. If Oman can adopt these measures in conjunction with the overarching goals of Vision 2040, they will make a significant contribution to increasing innovation in the country and contribute to the success of the indicators, ultimately leading to an improved GII ranking as a result of refinement the innovation environment.

Church architecture of Russia in the XIX-th century
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The article discusses the style of church architecture that existed in Russia in the XIX-th century. It is shown that this style is the richest heritage for the study and revival of the traditions of Ancient Russia. Particular attention is drawn to the need for the possible application of the successful experience of temple construction, accumulated in Russia in the middle of the XIX-th - early XX-th centuries, in the course of implementing state policy. The material of the article allows us to trace the style directions of the architecture of romanticism, which was formed in the context of ancient Russian architecture and folk peasant art.

Civil War in the United States of America: Reasons and Features
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the economic causes of the American Civil War. The subject of the research was an unusually complex set of relations between the North and the South. The article deals with the reasons for the development of separatism and its consequences. Since slavery in the southern states was not the only cause of the Civil War, other major economic reasons are explored.The article deals with the economic benefits and disadvantages of slavery, the depression of 1861, changes in agricultural production and problems of social activity in the northern states. The focus is also on the financing of armies and the economic results of the war.

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В статье рассматривается санкционный режим, введенный ООН против Южной Родезии на примере третьего доклада комитета, учрежденного во исполнение резолюции Номер 253. Анализируются причины по которым, санкции обходились родезийским правительством. Сравнивается третий доклад с последующими после него.

The creation of real texts in Latin can be regarded not only as the intellectual activity of the pastime of a limited number of enthusiasts, but also a long linguistic experiment. In this study, the product of such linguistic activity serves as a source of materials, primarily lexical and derivational innovations, for analyzing events that may arise in a "restored" language system. To reveal trends in the development of linguistic material and its potential, the data obtained from new Latin texts were compared with the results of studying Latin borrowings in English (in the natural conditions of a living language). Obviously, the choice of vocabulary and new terms to denote modern realities in these new Latin news texts are subject to the preferences of individual researchers and are sometimes arbitrary to a greater extent than in the case of creating text in a naturally developing language, where the speaker / user strongly dominates the usage norms. In addition, when developing innovations, the authors of the texts in question inevitably follow their native language of the L2 experience. As a result of innovation, the "New Latin Scheme" shows some features more typical of modern European languages, in addition, the main development trends in the group of Latin borrowings in English were different from those found in the lexicon of the new Latin.

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The article proposes a technique for estimating the value of an enterprise on the basis of a profitable approach, supplemented by an analysis of optimistic, pessimistic and basic scenarios for the development of the enterprise.The results of its application for estimating the value of the oil company are given. To calculate these retrospective data, three cash flow projections for the next five years were analyzed. When calculating the combination of accounting rates of CWM IWACC methods to ensure compliance with the current situation in the company and the market, a measurement of the income and expense scale was required.Studying the dynamics of stock prices allowed to prove the probability distribution of the implementation of each of the scenarios and to identify the overall assessment.

Development of Distance Education in Russia
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The article discusses some aspects of modern distance education, which is developing against the background of globalization processes that impose new requirements on the subject of any field of activity, where the basic skills are: the ability to navigate the array of incoming information, the ability to act in conditions of lack of necessary data, the ability to create new information flows based on the information received and analyzed. Special attention is paid to the modern specialist, who requires constant updating of acquired knowledge and skills, which allows us to talk about the transition from the concept of "education for life" to the concept of "education through life".

Development of sports among young people in modern Russia
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The article discusses the development of sports in modern Russia among young people. It is shown that urgent development and implementation of a state program aimed at countering the emerging trend of deterioration in the health of the population is currently needed. The new measures should provide for a whole range of social, medical, preventive, organizational and economic tasks. In order to attract young people to the formation of their own health, a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to form a positive public opinion about physical culture and sports at the state level. This is really important because physical culture and sports are a special kind of creative activity that allows you to form a healthy lifestyle of the population, in particular students.

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The article examines the development of integration processes in Western Europe in the 40-50s of the XX-th century. During this period, the main objectives of the Western European states were to restore the economy destroyed by the war, regain their former political influence and ensure their security. The answer to the question of how to achieve lasting peace and economic prosperity in the future is the beginning of the processes of political and economic integration. The signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 marked a turning point in the history of European integration and laid the foundations for its further development in the following decades.

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The article is devoted to the study of the influence of innovation and technological costs on the development of the region's industry. The purpose of this article is to calculate forecast indicators along with the study of the impact of costs on innovation and industrial development in the region. In addition, the Tashkent region differs from other regions in its priority characteristics. The efficiency of the innovation industry in the region is analyzed. Forecasts for the development of the region's industry for 2021-2030 are given taking into account the influence of a number of factors, in particular, the cost of innovation. The step-by-step work carried out to achieve the forecast indicators was especially noted. In conclusion, many proposals were given for the development of a high-tech industry in the region.

Diaspora Features in Khaled Hosseinis Novels
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The aim of this study is to analyze the three novels "The Kite Runner", "A Thousand Splendid Suns", "And the Mountains Echoed" by Afghan American writer Khaled Hosseini in accordance with the main literary features of the Afghan Diaspora. This historical literature becomes one of the most interesting directions. The authors of the Afghan Diaspora, who create their works in English, distinguish three main features: languages and cultures clash, biographical method application, time and space correlation.This study is an attempt to reveal the importance of the literary characteristics of novels, considering in particular those mentioned above. This will help readers to decipher the essential Diaspora features of the works of Hosseini, using the three studied signs. In addition to this, the Diaspora and expatriate literature is identified by the researcher on the basis of examples and highlighted by the text analysis of the literary works of the Diaspora.

Different Understanding: Tibetan Ghost Culture in the Eyes of "The Other"
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Ghost culture is a global cultural phenomenon, and Tibetans have a long history about ghost culture, which occupies an important part in Chinese traditional culture. From the perspective of the other, a Chinese scholar, can be called a reference that is both different and related to the subject, it is found that Tibetan ghost culture also has its own indigenous characteristics reflected in definition, origin, and demonstration, etc, and much different from English ghost culture.This different understanding and interpretation of ghost culture is the root of Tibetan culture, which in turn makes the Tibetan people pay more attention to adaptation rather than struggle in the relationship with nature. And it is much necessary to develop ghost culture into human culture gradually for better cultural exchanges and for the construction of ethics and morality in various countries.