Theory of cardiovascular system performance. Cardiometry basics. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

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Aims Basic criteria of finding the markers of the hemodynamic self-regulation mechanism on an ECG and a Rheogram are described herein. The basics of an analysis of the compensation mechanism responsible for the maintenance of the hemodynamic parameters within the norms are presented in this paper. Materials and A change in the form of an ECG phase segment reflects qualitatively the methods actual contraction performance of the respective cardiac muscle part involved. In case when the contraction of a cardiac muscle part is weak, an adjacent part undertakes the required compensation function in order to adjust the process. The causality analysis allows identifying the primary cause of a pathology which makes impossible to maintain the proper phase-related blood volumes within the norms. Results An evaluation of the hemodynamic self-regulation mechanism on the basis of the analysis of the compensation mechanism responsible for the maintenance of the hemodynamic parameters within the norms allows revealing the primary cause of the cardiovascular system pathology. Conclusion We offer an innovative methodology that is easy to use and very efficient, therefore, it can be widely applied in practice.

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Aims This paper deals with solving of a century-old paradox of linear stability for the Hagen-Poiseuille flow. A new mechanism of dissipative hydrodynamic instability has been established herein, and a basis for the forming of helical structural organization of bloodstream and respective energy effectiveness of the cardiovascular system functioning has been defined by the authors. Materials and Theory of hydrodynamic instability, Galerkin’s approximation. methods Results A new condition Re > Rethmin » 124 of linear (exponential) instability of the Hagen-Poisseuille (HP) flow with respect to extremely small by magnitude axially-symmetric disturbances of the tangential component of the velocity field is obtained. The disturbances necessarily shall have quasi-periodic longitudinal variability along the pipe axis that corresponds to the observed data. Conclusion We show that the obtained estimate of value of Rethmin corresponds to the condition of independence of the main result (on the linear instability of the HP flow when Re > Rethmin) from the procedure of averaging used in the Galerkin approximation. Thus, we obtain the possible natural mechanism for the blood swirling flows formations observed in the aorta and the large blood vessels.

Theoretical principles of cardiometry
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Aims The article aims at describing the theoretical principles of cardiometry as a fundamentally new scientific field which enables the accurate measurement of the cardiovascular system parameters. Materials and Cardiometry is based on the mathematical model of hemodynamic methods processes. The model is described by G. Poyedintsev and O. Voronova equations. The variable values in these equations are the cardiac cycle phase durations recorded on the ECG. An original ECG lead of the ascending aorta reflects all the processes of the heart performance. Thus, it is possible to calculate the phase blood volumes. This method is an accurate indirect measurement method. The synchronous recording of the ascending aorta ECG and Rheogram enables monitoring of the compensation mechanism responsible for the normal hemodynamic performance. Results An innovative mathematical model of hemodynamics providing the creation of an innovative indirect method for measurement of the cardiovascular system parameters was developed. Conclusion The innovative method of cardiovascular system diagnostics enables to measure 7 main hemodynamic parameters using noninvasive technology for qualitative evaluation of 12 functions of cardiovascular system performance and general assessment of coronary flow status.