Practice. Рубрика в журнале - Cardiometry

A new method of effective training of crew members for long-term space mission
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Aims The aim of the study is to select an effective method of system recovery of the organism for space pre-flight training to provide the normal long-term human stay in space. Materials and methods For this purpose, the method of acupuncture is used. Its distinctive feature is the needle acupuncture technique based on the fundamental knowledge of the classical Chinese Book of Changes. This technique was developed by Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine A.I. Falev (1953-2005) and improved by his followers. The above method allows awakening the energy of Chi in the human organism that in its turn initiates the therapeutic & health improving programs stored in the deepest layers of the human body nature. Results As a result of the Chi energy awakening, a complex of therapeutic & health improving reactions stored in the human body nature initiates. During the treatment, uncontrolled movements of the body and limbs appear, and the patient involuntarily performs some elements of point and remote energetic massage, self-manual therapy, yoga exercises, health-improving breathing exercises...

The aim of the study was to evaluate the significance of cardioeigenoscopy method for the prognosis of risks of fatal arrhythmia (the primary and secondary VF) progression in AMI individuals.The study was performed with the use of the PC-assisted hemodynamic analyzer Cardiocode. The cardio-eigenoscopy was developed as a methodology that is capable of presenting all ECG changes in the basis of eigenvectors of a covariance matrix of ECG amplitudes and providing an analysis of a spectrum of eigenvalues. The ECG analysis software is implemented as a real-time monitoring of a set of parameters that makes possible to evaluate the therapy effectiveness. The cardio-eigenoscopy method is capable of assessing the risk of progression of fatal arrhythmia events in MI patients. The major markers of the possible progression of fatal arrhythmia were identified. The cardioeigenoscopy provided the maximum expressibility of an ECG curve at any specified EVE values.

Chronobiological methods of human body self-regulation reserve evaluation
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Aims Chronodiagnostical methods for evaluating reserve and unfavourable responses of human cardiac function and under prolonged stress load. Materials and methods 24-h ECG R–R interval recording of Holter-monitoring ECG recording and 1-h IPI and RespI recordings of healthy young and elderly subjects, post- MI patients, subjects suffered from chronic cerebral ischemia leading to a cognitive decline, healthy subjects following post-stress load, as well as R– R intervals recordings of the AHA ECG database of heart failure and AF. Chronodiagnostics, using non-linear symbolic dynamics method and redundancy quotient of ECG PI, RespI and R– R intervals; differential temperature survey to evaluate cellular immunity; biocontrolled laser therapy. Results Self-regulation reserve reduction of oxygen transfer body systems and increase in unfavourable response probability under stress load are accompanied by the amplitude and fluctuation increase of redundancy quotient in the ECG IPI, RespI and R–R intervals, as well as increase of hierarchical desynchronosis with dominating sympathicotonia and vagotonia, decrease in cellular immunity, reduction in rate spectrum of the ECG IPI and R–R intervals...

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Aims The aim is to determine interaction of risk factors (volume of ingested food and exogenous alcohol) and their effects on thermal regulation of a body due to the changed activity of biochemical reactions of neuromediator regulatory systems, related to the synthesis of endogenous alcohol. Materials and methods Based on study of neurological status, biochemical and instrumental methods of precordial mapping, urine specific gravity and thermometry of five biologically active points, 1200 males were examined for pathogenic mechanisms of endogenous alcohol synthesis and formation of time parameters of cardiac and clinical manifestation of somatogenic depression, metabolic syndrome and alcohol abuse with formation of encephalopathies. Results The amount of endogenous alcohol determines disorders in the bradykininacetylcholine and dopamine-noradrenalin systems and formation of clinical syndromes in the continuum of somatogeny-psychogeny (according to the international classification of diseases (ICD-10)). Conclusion Changes in thermal regulation were accompanied with changes of functional mechanisms of Glomus Caroticus, affecting erythrocyte and its receptors, related to atomic oxygen and hydrogen in atmosphere, with formation of relevant pH values of arterial and venous blood, amount of endogenous alcohol.

History of space medicine: academician Vasily V. Parin, founder of space cardiology
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Russian Academician Vasily V. Parin was one of the leading world scientists in the field of physiology of blood circulation. In this article his role in the development of the space cardiology, an important area of space medicine, is considered. The development and use in space flights of such methods as the analysis of heart rate variability and seismocardiography, creation of the onboard medical equipment is connected with the name of Vasily V. Parin. The monography “Space cardiology” issued in 1967 by Vasily V. Parin with co-authors has dictated and governed the development of this key area in science for many years ahead. The article presents the basic results of cardiological researches in space in the 70-90-s and in the beginning of the 2000s when the space cardiology made its progress keeping the tendencies and traditions created by Vasily V. Parin in the 60s.

In order to evaluate the vegetative regulation of blood circulation and assess individual health risks under conditions of the 520 day isolation, used was an analysis of the heart rate variability (HRV). The most significant changes in the HRV values against the background data were reported in the second half of the said experiment. At that time, the heart rate (HR) values showed some reductions, the standard deviation of normal-to-normal beats (SDNN) was increased, and the simultaneous activation of all regulation members (pNN50 – parasympathetic regulation, IC and VLF – the sympathetic and neurohumoral regulation) occurred. The period of “the Mars orbiting”, the time of the crew dividing and “the landing to Mars” featured the highest level of the tension of the regulatory systems and the significant increase in the health risks. An assessment of the functional state of the organism and the adaptation level according to the degree of the tension (DT) of the regulatory systems and their functional reserve (FR) made it possible not only to confirm the presence of the changes identified by the commonly used HRV, but to make them more apparent as well...

The paper presents the results of the long-term medical & ecological investigations conducted during the experiment Mars-500. Methodology of conducting the long-term medical & ecological investigations and the applied methods are considered. The results are presented in the materials of the research conducted in Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus (Moscow, Syktyvkar, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Magadan and Minsk). For comparative evaluation of the functional state of different reference groups the notion of “ecological stress” was introduced. It depends upon the degree of dominance of the activity of the sympathetic member of the regulatory system over the parasympathetic member. Application of probabilistic approach to the assessment of the functional state and adaptation level with the FR (functional reserve) and the DT (the degree of tension) of the regulatory mechanisms proved the detected peculiarities of the heart rhythm vegetative regulation. Clear dependency of the functional state of the volunteers on geographic location of regions and climatic parameters is observed...

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Aims The aim is to study the effect of simulated space flight factors on the human central hemodynamics and evaluate the effectiveness of colloid and crystalloid infusions in microgravity simulation using the Cardiocode method. Materials and methods Test subjects were six men aged 20 to 35 without chronic somatic diseases. Antiorthostatic hypokinesia with an angle of 15 ° (ANOH-15) simulated the weightlessness was used. Diuretics were used to simulate hypovolemia in the test individuals. During ANOH-15 the colloid and crystalloid intravenous infusions were applied. Central hemodynamics parameters were measured by Cardiocode method. Results Background quantitative and qualitative central hemodynamics parameters were obtained, several individual characteristics of blood flow regulation were identified. The effects of space flight factors, ground-based simulated with antiorthostatic hypokinesia, on the human hemodynamics were investigated. The efficacy of crystalloid and colloid infusions for the correction of central hemodynamics abnormalities in test subjects with hypovolemia in microgravity was studied. Conclusion The Cardiocode method allowed obtaining the information about the effects of simulated space flight factors and different infusion fluids on the human central hemodynamics. The efficacy of crystalloid and colloid infusions for the correction of central hemodynamics abnormalities in test subjects in microgravity was positively evaluated.