Target factor of mastering activity and development of the personality

Бесплатный доступ

The approach to the solution of actual problems of incentives of individual to creative activity on the base of modern theories of activity is considered. Personally signicant purpose of activity as the main conditions of mastering activities on the creative level is considered. Author proves the fact that awareness of any purpose as signicant provides a transition from passive human perception of the material to the intense productive work. This thesis is conrmed by the example of educational-cognitive activity of students, when the conict between real and ego ideal provides the attention of the student to the creative level of implementation of activities


The personality of learner, activity, learning activity, a signicant personal purpose, levels of learning activities, levels of organization of creative activity, the matrix of creativity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14240088   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-4-99-107

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