Componential and integrated assessment of the potential of Mongolic national cultural tourism resources

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The article proposes a methodology for component-by-component and integral assessment of the potential of Mongolian national cultural tourism resources. The integrated indicator for a region’s cognitive potential has been calculated across the following three components: natural, cultural-historical, and socio-economic. Each of these components incorporates several subgroups with their own factors and different units of measurement. Each of the parameters making up the natural component deals with tourist interest in a particular area. The cultural-historical component is linked directly with one’s interest in cultural tourism. The socio-economic component is associated with the development of appropriate infrastructural conditions for realizing the potential of cultural tourism. The proposed methodology is based on open data monitored by state statistics authorities and includes 23 different parameters reduced to a single integral indicator. This makes it possible to rank the areas densely inhabited by the Mongolic people across a multitude of factors governing the potential of national cultural tourism resources. The proposed model has been verified using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.


Potential of mongolian national resources, cultural tourism, spatial distribution of tourism potential, common ethno-cultural space of the mongolic peoples

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IDR: 148323768   |   DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2022-1-58-69

Список литературы Componential and integrated assessment of the potential of Mongolic national cultural tourism resources

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