Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients after injuries of the facial region: interaction of dentists and surgeons

Автор: Gadzhalieva A.R., Anzorova E.R., Sayarsanova M.V., Gostyaeva A.A.

Журнал: Cardiometry @cardiometry

Статья в выпуске: 33, 2024 года.

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This work highlights in detail modern approaches to the comprehensive rehabilitation of patients who have suffered injuries to the maxillofacial region, which can significantly affect the quality of life, causing functional disorders such as problems with chewing, speech and breathing, as well as significant aesthetic defects. Injuries in this area require the participation of specialists from different fields, and in this context, special attention is paid to the interaction of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. Comprehensive rehabilitation includes several key stages: surgical treatment, restoration of bone and soft tissue structures, orthopedic and orthodontic treatment, as well as aesthetic correction. The need for close cooperation between the surgeon and the dentist is emphasized at all stages of treatment, from the initial diagnosis of injuries and treatment planning to surgical interventions and subsequent dental rehabilitation. Modern methods of surgical correction, such as osteosynthesis, reconstruction of bone defects using bone grafts and implants, as well as the use of new biomaterials, are discussed. Dental rehabilitation includes occlusion restoration, dental prosthetics and bite correction, which requires careful planning and consideration of surgical aspects. The issues of functional rehabilitation of patients, such as restoration of chewing function, proper articulation and facial aesthetics, are also considered. Special attention is paid to new technologies and innovative approaches, such as 3D modeling, digital surgery planning and the use of dental implants, which allow achieving high results in restoring both functionality and appearance of the patient. The article focuses on the importance of coordinated work of an interdisciplinary team to achieve the best results in the rehabilitation of patients after maxillofacial injuries. The authors emphasize that an integrated approach, including the interaction of specialists of different profiles, provides a more effective restoration of functions and aesthetics, which significantly improves the quality of life of patients.


Complex rehabilitation, maxillofacial injury, dentistry, surgery, interdisciplinary interaction, occlusion restoration, bone reconstruction, implantation, aesthetic correction, 3d modeling

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IDR: 148330032   |   DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.33.102109

Список литературы Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients after injuries of the facial region: interaction of dentists and surgeons

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