33, 2024 - Cardiometry

Журнал: Cardiometry @cardiometry

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ID: 148329766 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329766

Содержание выпуска 33, 2024 Cardiometry

Bocharova O.A., Kazeev I.V., Shevchenko V.G., Sheychenko O.P., Karpova R.V., Bocharov E.V., Aksenov A.A., Utkina M.V., Kucheryanu V.G., Pyatigorskaya N.V., Kosorukov V.S., Stilidi I.S. Methodological approaches to standardization of complex phytoadaptogens for preventive oncology 12
Bucharskaya A.B., Navolokin N.A., Maslyakova G.N., Shushunova N.A., Chekhonatskaya M.L., Khlebtsov N.G., Khlebtsov B.N., Guslyakova O.I., Genin V.D., Genina E.A., Tuchin V.V. Plasmonic photothermal photodynamic therapy in mice with colorectal cancer 15
Shikhlyarova A.I., Frantsiyants E.M., Zhukova G.V., Kapliyeva I.V., Neskubina I.V., Bandovkina V.A. Metabolic effects of accompanying activation therapy in oncopathology 16
Kondashevskaya M.V., Kozlova M.A., Anurkina A.I., Kasabov K.A., Areshidze D.A. Protective effect by melatonin in an experiment with transplantable melanoma B16 23
Kotieva I.M., Dodokhova M.A., Alkhusein-kulyaginova M.S., Kotieva E.M., Kotieva V.M., Gulyan M.V. Metronomic mode of administration of hybrid organotin compounds: results and prospects 24
Sviridova I.K., Goldberg M.A., Kirsanova V.A., Akhmedova S.A., Krokhicheva P.A., Khairutdinova D.R., Sergeeva N.S., Komlev V.S. Domestic injectable calcium phosphate bone cements for onco-orthopedics: development and biological evaluation 27
Skudin N.E., Bgatova N.P., Ryaguzov M.E., Lomakin A.I., Fursov S.A. Ultrastructural analysis of vasculogenic mimicry in rectal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant radiation therapy 31
Dronova T.A., Babyshkina N.N., Kostromitsky D.N., Eremin D.A., Cherdyntseva N.V. Transcriptome of metastatic colorectal cancer 33
Khabarov O.R., Zima D.V., Bezrukov O.F., Zyablitskaya E.Yu. Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the structure of surgical pathology of the thyroid gland 35
Alikhanova A.M., Polikarpova A.V., Lipartiani G.K., Domnikova A.E., Shikhgasanova V.L. A comprehensive approach to the treatment of peptic ulcer disease: cooperation of a gastroenterologist, an endoscopist and a surgeon 50
Ulanova U.A., Osmanov S.A., Aliev M.S., Kerdivar V.Yu. Minimally invasive neurosurgery in pediatric practice: achievements and limitations 63
Araquib A.K.A., Abdelhady A.O.A., El Missiri A.M.A.B., Fahmy Y.M.M. The impact of cardiac rehabilitation on quality of life and 6 minute walk test in post Glenn patients 80
Kobleva A.A., Shautaeva K.A., Namazova A.I., Didaeva K.B., Alieva M.Sh., Volodina K.V. Surgical aspects in obstetric practice: modern approaches and technologies 95
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