Dairy productivity and efficiency of milk production of black-and-white cows of different thorough-bredness on the Holstein breed

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The studies were carried out from 2018 to 2019 in a pedigree reproducer for the black-and-white breed "Streletskoye" - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FSC ZBK of the Oryol Region. We realized that the number of diluted lactations in groups of cows with thorough-bredness on the Holstein breed had significant differences. According to the indications, cows with a Holstein thorough-bredness from 51 to 75% were significantly inferior to cows in the control group, which had thorough-bredness in the less than 50% Holstein breed by 36%. 76-87.5% - by 46% and cows with thorough-bredness over 87.5% - by 60%. Cows of the second, third, and fourth groups significantly exceed the indicators of the control group in terms of the average specific weight, respectively, by 17.3%, 19.4%, and 19.5%. Groups by total number, respectively, by 28.9%, 35.5%, and 52.2%. The average milk fat by lactation in the groups of black-and-white cows with Holstein thorough-bredness of 51-75%, 76-87.5%, and more than 87.5% was higher than in the control group by 16.1, 18.5 and 19.5% respectively. The proportion of Holstein breed thorough-bredness with other scientific indicators of milk productivity was in the range of 8.25-13.24% and was due to a non-existent breeding point of view. The economic efficiency of milk production of black-and-white cows has sufficient thorough-bredness for the Holstein breed. Indicators of keeping cows with Holstein thorough-bredness in the range of 51-75% are significantly inferior to cows with thorough-bredness less than 50% by 225.0 thousand rubles. Similarly, cows from groups with Holstein blood of 76-87.5% and more than 87.5% yield in the control group by 276.2 and 412.4 thousand rubles, respectively.


Dairy cattle breeding, number of completed lactation, average milk yield, mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of protein, correlation between indicators of productivity, cost of milk of basic fat content

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147230727

IDR: 147230727   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2020.4.168

Список литературы Dairy productivity and efficiency of milk production of black-and-white cows of different thorough-bredness on the Holstein breed

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