Tundra Yukaghir demonstratives on syntactic usage

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The Yukaghir demonstratives belong to a secondary category of the pronominal class including personal and interrogative pronouns. The Tundra Yukaghir demonstratives are formed from five main stems. The stem tu= indicates on a visible object of the proximal spatial zone. The stems a= and tie= point out a visible / invisible object of the medial spatial zone. The stem ta= indicates on a visible / invisible object of the distal spatial zone. The stem tide= indicates on an object that has been mentioned before and known to the speaker and interlocutor. The article considers the functional features of the Tundra Yukaghir demonstratives, originated from these stems, in the clause.


Yukaghir language, tundra dialect, pronoun, demonstrative, attributive, subject, clause, object

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148101222

IDR: 148101222

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