Developing the corporate standards on planning projects in real estate and construction sector

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Project management is an important stimulus for development of different countries and regions, industries, as well as organizations - companies and firms. Projects realization aiming to help organizations in achieving its strategic goals have to have the certain management system, including all processes from initiation till completion with the key role of planning. The challenge that companies faces today is to develop the adequate and optimum corporate standard at the company level when the project management standards and the sector (industry) normative documentation have different glossaries and terminology. Companies task is to develop the norms and rules at its level that will give the possibility to organize the project planning processes combining the existing PM methodologies approaches and specific sector normative documentation. In modern world it is important to develop and apply planning processes to provide the companies with the tools to achieve the goals and objectives in more efficient way both at the organization and separate projects levels as social and economic systems. The authors of the article analyze planning processes in the existing project management international and national standards, define the problem and set the task of developing the project planning standard for application in the certain sector of economy or industry.


Project planning, project management, management by projects, planning process, project management standards, projects as social and economical systems

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147155106   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr160216

Список литературы Developing the corporate standards on planning projects in real estate and construction sector

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