Development of ethnic and socio-cultural vectors of tourism in Great Britain - blending or standing separately

Автор: Tinyakova Elena A.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Туризм

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.14, 2020 года.

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The article presents a new branch of science - ethno-sociology - on one part, and on the other gives cul- ture-sociologic frame of tourism in Great Britain. Describing forms and methods of tourism, most typical for the United King- dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the author tries to emphasize the ethnic specificity of tourism features of the country, depending on geography and nature. Traditional approach to understand ethnicity based on ethnology somehow restricts culture analysis on a broad social level. Ethnology won’t help to understand why Germany has a tourism system different from Great Britain, because ethnology deals with archaic and countryside forms of culture-traditions and customs that have got confirmed in the past. Tourism research needs the latest tendencies in socio-culture development. Industrial- ization, new technologies and the latest development in communication have produced new traits in anthropologic image of men. As culture in general, ethnicity has become modern and postmodern. It is just ethno-sociology. Of course, the influence of climate, geographical position and nature has already been the object of research, first, in French philosophy and natural sciences from the Enlightenment. However, the author of this article prolongs this research line, only on new« social soil«, hence this approach gives birth to a new branch of science - ethno-sociology.


Tourism, ethnicity, sociology, culture, forms of travelling, industry of tourism, climate, nature, geography

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IDR: 140249916   |   DOI: 10.24411/2413-693X-2020-10301

Список литературы Development of ethnic and socio-cultural vectors of tourism in Great Britain - blending or standing separately

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