Dialectical integration of notions of external beauty and internal ugliness in German and Russian sayings

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The article contains a comparative analysis of the German and Russian sayings of two thematic groups «Attractiveness, smartness ↔ uselessness» and «Person beauty in his\her activities ↔ heart emptiness» of the structural and semantic bloc «External beauty + internal ugliness» representing dialectical reality of these basic notions in the compared languages. The author provides with the data from etymological and defining dictionaries in order to reveal common and distinctive aspects in the meaning of the key words of sayings. A new trend of the comparative linguistics is represented in the article - the language philosophy where linguistic phenomena are represented from the point of view of the dialectical approach.


Beauty, etymology, lexeme, dialectics, ugliness, saying, specific character

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148100490

IDR: 148100490

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