Джон Картрайт об американской проблеме

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В статье рассматривается проблема взаимоотношений Великобритании и североамериканских колоний накануне войны за независимость на основе анализа взглядов английского публициста, радикала-реформатора майора Джона Картрайта. Особое внимание обращено на причины появления англо-американского кризиса и поиск путей его разрешения, также даётся оценка теории Д. Картрайта.

Великобритания, северная америка, сша, метрополия, колонии, колониальный кризис, независимость, джон картрайт, парламент, король, конституция, права, свобода, самоуправление, союз, религия, торговля, рабство, война

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148199520

IDR: 148199520

Список литературы Джон Картрайт об американской проблеме

  • Francis B. Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America. London: T. Payne, 1774. P.31-32.
  • Stanlis P.J. British Views of the American Revolution: a Conflict Over Rights of Sovereignty//Early American Literature. 1976. Vol.11. №2. P.191-192.
  • Osborne J.W. John Cartwright. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. P.8-9.
  • Eames W., Vail R.W.G., Sabin J. A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time. Vol. XX. New-York: BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2009. P.377.
  • Bonwick C. English Radicals and the American Revolution. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977. P.67-76
  • Miller P.N. Defining the Common Good: Empire, Religion, and Philosophy in Eighteenth Century Britain. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994. P.352-362.
  • Cartwright J. American independence the interest and glory of Great Britain: or, Arguments to prove, that not only in taxation, but in trade, manufactures, and government, the colonies are entitled to an entire independency on the British legislature; and that it can only be by a formal declaration of these rights, and forming thereupon a friendly league with them, that the true and lasting welfare of both countries can be promoted. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1774. P. 7. Ibid., P.1-2. Ibid., P.2-5.
  • LaCroix A.L. The Ideological Origins of American Federalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. P.110-111.
  • Cartwright J. American independence, the glory and interest of Great Britain. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1774. P.6-9. Ibid., P.13. Ibid., P.15.
  • Reich J.R. British Friends of the American Revolution. Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. P.15.
  • Cartwright J. American independence, the interest and glory of Great Britain. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1774. P.30-31.
  • Toohey R.E. Liberty and Empire: British Radical Solutions to the American Problem, 1774-1776. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1978. P.36-39.
  • Cartwright J. American independence, the glory and interest of Great Britain. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1774. P.64.
  • Toohey R.E. Liberty and Empire: British Radical Solutions to the American Problem, 1774-1776. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1978. P.49.
  • Cartwright J. American independence, the glory and interest of Great Britain. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1774. P.54, 13, 63. Ibid., P.65 67, 72, 30, 67-68. Ibid., Postscript. P.6.
  • Mirabeau's Letters during his Residence in England. 2 vols. London: Effingham Wilson, 1832. Vol.II. P.205-207.
  • Adams Q. Letter to John Cartwright, 5th June 1817//The Life and Correspondence of Major Cartwright/Еd. by F.D. Cartwright. 2 vols. London: H. Colburn, 1826. Vol. II. P.135.
  • Cartwright J. American independence, the glory and interest of Great Britain. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1774. P.68, 27.
  • Cartwright J. A Letter to Edmund Burke, esq: controverting the principals of American government laid down in the lately published speech on American taxation, delivered in the House of commons, on the 19th of April, 1774. London: H.S. Woodfall, 1775. P.15-17, 20-25.
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