Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Linguoculturology and its relationship with ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics and ethnopsycholinguistics

Linguoculturology and its relationship with ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics and ethnopsycholinguistics

Kurbanova G.Yu.

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This article discusses the interrelationships between modern linguistics. Linguoculturological issues related to the concept of language and culture, which are currently attracting the attention of everyone in linguistics, have been studied by most linguists, but have not been fully resolved. This article is noteworthy for the fact that the new field of linguistics is focused on linguoculturology.


Linguopragmatic and linguocultural study of phraseological units with the concept of “bird” in English and Uzbek

Linguopragmatic and linguocultural study of phraseological units with the concept of “bird” in English and Uzbek

Mirzayeva Kh.A.

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The work is a substantial investigation which aim is to describe the specific language representation of the concept “BIRD” in English and Uzbek paintings of the world as from the language point of view as well as from a cultural one. Together with a wide range of theoretical developments, it is appeared a large number of works, which comprise specific descriptions of certain concepts. The urgency of this work is to show that this concept is in consciousness not only as a living being, but also as the image of the specific characters. It also facilitates the translation activity, as phraseological units are an integral part of speech as among the English speakers as well as among the Uzbek ones.


Linguosociocultural method of teaching English

Linguosociocultural method of teaching English

Matchanova B.Yu.

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This article discusses the classical and fundamental methods and their features.


Lingvodidactics as a methodical concept

Lingvodidactics as a methodical concept

Esonov O.

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In this article modern pedagogical science, at the present stage of teaching, three levels "a methodology, a language teaching technique and pedagogical technology learning" were explained.


Lingvokulturologiya yangi soha sifatida

Lingvokulturologiya yangi soha sifatida

Komilova G.T.

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Ushbu maqolada til va lingvokulturologiya tadqiqi, uning til mva xalq o‘rtasidagi tutgan o‘rni, madaniyatning xalqqa, milliylikka munosabati va o‘zaro ta’siri ilmiy tadqiq etiladi.


Linking a modern interactive method to the method of audio slide pedagogical technology

Linking a modern interactive method to the method of audio slide pedagogical technology

Dusbekov T., Umedulloev M.

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The modern method is steadily reforming the education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which has chosen the path of independent socio-economic development. Especially after the adoption of the Law "On Education" and the "National Training Program", the work in this area has become widespread. The emphasis on acquiring knowledge and skills based on the requirements of these documents has intensified. Due to this, new scientific and methodological approaches began to enter the education system.


Lipid peroxidation

Lipid peroxidation

Mamadiev M.R.

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This article explores how lipid peroxidation affects the integrity of the cell membrane. The biological landscape of this process is considered.


Liquidity management of commercial bank

Liquidity management of commercial bank

Askerova G.N.

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In article it is told about importance of liquidity in the course of "activity" of commercial banks. Application of various theories promoting formation of reserve base of bank. The norms of reservation provided for commercial banks are considered. As well as the property of the Bank: assets, liabilities.


Liquidity problem in banks

Liquidity problem in banks

Oysungurova A.A.

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The article is devoted to the issue of liquidity risk management in a commercial bank.


Lirik va kichik janrlardagi folklor asarlarini o’qitishda yangicha yondashuv

Lirik va kichik janrlardagi folklor asarlarini o’qitishda yangicha yondashuv

Ummatkulova S.S.

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Mazkur maqola zamonaviy ta’limni tashkil etishga qo‘yiladigan muhim talablar, xalq og‘zaki ijodi materiallarini pedagogik texnologiyalar asosida o‘qitish, maqsadga erishish uchun sinfda, sinfdan va maktabdan tashqarida amalga oshiriladigan tadbirlar tizimi haqida.


Lisoniy birliklarning o‘zaro munosabatlari: uyadoshlik munosabati

Lisoniy birliklarning o‘zaro munosabatlari: uyadoshlik munosabati

Muratova N.B.

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Bir sathga mansub bo‘lgan, qimmat jihatdan bir xil birliklarning ma’lum umumiy belgi asosida bir guruhga (uyaga) birlashuvi uyadoshlik munosabati sanaladi. Uyadoshlik munosabatida bo‘lgan birliklar uchun umumiy belgi sifatida shu birliklarning ma’nosi ham, shakli ham xizmat qilishi mumkin. Masalan, ishchi, ishla leksemalari o‘zakning umumiyligi bilan o‘zaro birlashsa, qo‘shimchalari bilan farqlanadi. Yoki aksincha, ishla, angla, so‘zla singari leksemalar qo‘shimchaning umumiyligi bilan birlashib, o‘zakning xilma-xilligi bilan farqlanadi. Har ikki holatda ham uyadoshlikni hosil qiladi.


Listening as the important aspects of learning a foreign language

Listening as the important aspects of learning a foreign language

Almatova N.A.

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One of the important aspects of learning a foreign language is listening as a kind of speech activity. This article reflects the importance of improving listening skills at non-linguistic faculties of universities. The article describes the relevant aspects of the difficulties of the process of listening, the essence and main characteristics of this type of educational process.


Literary influence and artistic image

Literary influence and artistic image

Hayitov Hamza Ahmadovich

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In this article highlights of about national literature and artistic image, means of poetry.


Literary translation: different approaches and strategies

Literary translation: different approaches and strategies

Olimova Kh.

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Figurative language is so effective since it helps readers visualize what the author is telling in an imaginative fashion. In other words, whenever one meets a figurative tool while reading a literary piece, he is more likely to imagine the concept being described and then fully understands the author‘s intended meaning. But, it is very important that the translators would be able to understand the connotative meaning which would be hidden in the content and find simile, and an appropriate metaphor which could substitute the original Literary translation is a type of translation where the source documents are fiction.


Little features of ideological education of students at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan

Little features of ideological education of students at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan

Kadyrov K.

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Ideas that may threaten our youth in today's era of globalization and ways to overcome them.


Littlevgl graphic library for embedded systems

Littlevgl graphic library for embedded systems

Memonova G.N., Khamrayev J.Kh., Polvonov Kh.N., Jurakulov Sh.B., Sirojov B.Sh.

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LittlevGL is an open source C library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for embedded systems. Ideal for computing devices with low processing power, low memory requirements. The library includes additional tools such as: hardware interrupt handlers, virtual keyboard, support for touch screens, use of a framebuffer (for Linux embedded).


Living conditions of modern civil society

Living conditions of modern civil society

Muxtarova T.

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In the given scientific article modern civil society is considered. Civil society is the aggregate of non-state private associations of citizens pursuing individual and group interests. The concept of civil society "was introduced by J. Locke, A. Smith to reflect the historical development of society, its transition from the wild natural state to the civilized.


Living safety training in the family

Living safety training in the family

Mamadaliyev Sh.M.

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In this article, one of the main methods of ensuring the safety of human life is the organization of educational classes in order to provide knowledge about the safety of life for the education of preschool institutions, for which the concepts of life safety are described as short and concise methods of teaching and its importance.


Local government in the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Local government in the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Eremin V.V., Poletaeva E.R., Sahakyan D.M.

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This article discusses the features of the organization of local self-government of European countries on the example of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Russian Federation. A comparative analysis of the organization of local government is analyzed, as well.


Location of small business and private business in the country's economic development

Location of small business and private business in the country's economic development

Soxadaliyev A.M., Soxadaliyev B.A.

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This article discusses the development of small business and private business in the economic growth of the country.

