Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Maktabgcha ta’lim sifatini nazorat qilish va boshqarishning mexanizmlarini takomillashtirish

Maktabgcha ta’lim sifatini nazorat qilish va boshqarishning mexanizmlarini takomillashtirish

Narimbaeyva Lola Kuzibaevna

Статья научная

Maqolada mamlakatimizda maktabgacha ta’lim tizimini yanada takomillashtirish va rivojlantirish borasida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar,boshqaruv ta’lim sifatini nazorat qilish va boshqarishning mexanizmlari xususida fikr bayon etilgan.


Maktablarda mumtoz matnlarni tahlil qilishning bugungi kundagi ahamiyati

Maktablarda mumtoz matnlarni tahlil qilishning bugungi kundagi ahamiyati

Abduqahhorova X.A.

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Umumta’lim maktablarida mumtoz adabiyot o‘qitishning bugungi kundagi holati hamda badiiy asarlarni tahlil qilish jarayonida kuzatilayotgan muammolar haqida fikr-mulohazalar yuritilgan.


Maktablarda umumta’lim fanlarini o’qitishda interfaol metodlaridan foydalanish va zamonaviy darslarni tashkil etishning samaradorligi

Maktablarda umumta’lim fanlarini o’qitishda interfaol metodlaridan foydalanish va zamonaviy darslarni tashkil etishning samaradorligi

Axmedova Yu.Q., Yusupova K.R.

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Maktablarda umumta`lim fanlarni yuqori saviyada shakllantirish, zamonaviy darslarni tashkil etish bu jarayonda umumta`lim fanlarini o’qitish sifatini ta`minlashda turli innovatsion metodlardan foydalanish orqali belgilangan natijalarga erishish.


Mamlakatimizda inklyuziv ta’limni rivojlantirish tamoyillari va istiqbollari

Mamlakatimizda inklyuziv ta’limni rivojlantirish tamoyillari va istiqbollari

Masodiqova D.

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Maqolada yurtimiz ta‟lim tizimidagi islohotlar va ularning ahamiyati, inklyuziv ta‟limni yuksaltirish masalalari, 2020-2025 yillarda xalq ta‟limi tizimida inklyuziv ta‟limni rivojlantirish konsepsiyasining pedagogik mohiyati tahlil qilingan.


Mamlakatni ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirishda kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikning roli

Mamlakatni ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirishda kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikning roli

Zuxurova N.A.

Статья научная

Maqola tadbirkorlik faoliyati va uning tarkibiy qismi boʻlgan kichik biznes Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi uchun samarali bozor iqtisodiyotini yaratish sharoitida iqtisodiy, ijtimoiy va siyosiy oʻzgarishlar jarayonlarida muhim ahamiyati haqida.


Management accounting and its difference from the financial accounting

Management accounting and its difference from the financial accounting

Suleimanova A.K., Abdullaeva M.I.

Статья научная

As the title implies the article describes the differences between financial accounting and management accounting. A mention should be made their features, discusses the positive and negative aspects for each type of account. It also emphasizes the importance of doing competent accounting information for making effective management decisions. In the end, there is the conclusion about the need for their harmonized application in any organization for cost optimization and increase profits.


Management accounting and its role in the enterprise

Management accounting and its role in the enterprise

Ibragimova P.K., Rizakhanova Z.Z.

Статья научная

Various types of accounting and their role in the activities of an enterprise are considered is the article. Management accounting is vital for optimizing enterprise performance. However Russian enterprises are less likely to use management accounting methods for various reasons.


Management improvement of higher school potential

Management improvement of higher school potential

Peleckis Kstutis

Статья научная

The article presents characteristic of higher school potential as a social economic category. Being treated systematically, the higher school potential is a complex of interacting elements having a structure, which, in its turn, is described by a complex of permanent relations, ties and dependencies. For the higher school a potential, as a system, is characterised by continuity, proportionality of elements, proportionality of parts of an element. The higher school potential, as a system, is described by a balance, hierarchy, functional uninterruptedness.The article claims that the specific role must be given to the most important element of pedagogical and research-technical activities –to the human intellectual potential. It should be noted that the economic and social activities become more intellectual; accordingly in manufacture of products, goods and services the intellectual activities take a more important place. Therefore the pedagogical and research-technical activities in a higher school, as one of the most important generator and supplier of innovations in economic and social field, should have the highest potential in human intellect –the research-pedagogical intellectual potential. The persons wishing to work in pedagogical and research-technical activities at a higher school, must have exclusive capabilities, research intuition, pedagogical mastership and other properties, without which they do not suit for this kind of activities.In the article the conception and definition are suggested, the text describes functions of higher school potential, exposes it ̳s content, results of it ̳s functioning. The article claims that the potential of a higher school under the conditions of market economy performs the following functions:1)marketing function (including diagnostic and analytical ones);2)study programmes, corresponding to economic needs development and realisation;3)scientific forecast (prognosis);4)development andrealisation of innovations (pedagogic, scientific-technical);5)innovations realisation in practice.The functioning of a higher school potential under an increasing competition requires an active development of a marketing function.


Management methods for rail transport service personnel

Management methods for rail transport service personnel

Kushakova M.N.

Статья научная

Central Asia is a region where the transport sector and logistics are rapidly developing. The sphere of transport and logistics, which is an integral part of the national economy of Uzbekistan, contributes to ensuring the effectiveness of reforms carried out in other areas, the consistent development of all modes of transport and increasing the country's authority in the market of international transport and logistics services, the harmonious development of all sectors of the economy and strengthening the country's export potential. The article discusses the methods of development and improvement of the service personnel of JSC "Uzbekiston temir yullari" and made an analysis of their modernization.


Management of credit risk at the enterprises of small and medium business

Management of credit risk at the enterprises of small and medium business

Gogoleva M.A., Grachyova A.V.



Management of economic growth of business entities

Management of economic growth of business entities

Alabayev S.I.

Статья научная

This article examines the problems faced by businesses in using economic growth management and analyzes ways to address them.


Management of extracurricular independent work of students in the process of higher education

Management of extracurricular independent work of students in the process of higher education

Qodirova G.T.

Статья научная

In the article, the forms of students’ independent work is designed. For the purposes of its successful implementation the author has developed a technology of management of the extracurricular independent work of the students in the framework of performance of the course and degree projects taking into account the regional features of production development.


Management of independent work of students in the process of learning a foreign language

Management of independent work of students in the process of learning a foreign language

Gulomjonova M.

Статья научная

This article is about the features of students’ independent work during learning the second foreign language in the university. The notions such as development of independent work’s abilities and skills, improvement of student’s personality, organization of students’ educational activity, self-guided work management are given by author.


Management of investment attraction in industrial enterprises

Management of investment attraction in industrial enterprises

Allaberganova Sh.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the development of the mechanism for attracting direct investment in business entities, in particular in industrial enterprises. The article explores the directions of attracting investments from the point of view of innovative development of enterprises, as well as some financial aspects of the problem.


Management of patients with chronic heart failure at the present stage

Management of patients with chronic heart failure at the present stage

Primkulova G.N.

Статья научная

Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a clinical syndrome with typical complaints (shortness of breath, fatigue, leg edema) and manifestations (high pressure in the jugular veins, leg edema, wheezing in the lungs) caused by structural and/or functional changes in the heart that led to a reduced cardiac output and/or increased intracardiac pressure at rest or during exercise.


Management of quality of river waters of Aral Sea basin

Management of quality of river waters of Aral Sea basin

Chembarisov E.I., Khozhamuratova R.T., Zhumaeva T.A.

Статья научная

The problems of the Aral Sea desiccation and the considerable deterioration of the ecology in the Aral Sea basin and in other regions of Central Asia have now acquired global importance. An estimation of ecological condition of the Aral Sea basin has been made by using the methods of system analysis, budget, statistics, and cartography.


Management problems of personnel reserve of civil service

Management problems of personnel reserve of civil service

Porombrik A.A., Islamova Z.R., Shamratova A.R.



Management: theory and practice

Management: theory and practice

Shodmonov X.N.

Статья научная

In our time, the concept of management has become ambiguous, growing with the development of economic relations. There are many definitions of this concept that differ in meaning and content. The synthesis of various definitions can give a holistic view of management and help in the further development of management theory, to assist in its practical application.


Managing competitiveness in XXI century: effective business instruments

Managing competitiveness in XXI century: effective business instruments

Aslanova G.I.

Статья научная

The article is dedicated to the issues of managing competitiveness in the modern age of globalization, technology and innovation. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the influence of factors of competitiveness and offer effective tools for companies to create competitive advantages. The working classification of competitiveness factors includes external and internal factors. The external business environment covers industry-specific environment - competitors, customers, suppliers, as well as non-sectoral, economic, social, political, technological and other factors.


Manfiy bo‘lmagan butun sonlarni raqamlashga o'Rgatish metodikasini o‘rganish

Manfiy bo‘lmagan butun sonlarni raqamlashga o'Rgatish metodikasini o‘rganish

Shabatova R.J.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada boshlangʻich sinf oʻqituvchissining taʼlim sohasidagi oʻrni boʻyicha aytilgan. Shuningdek, manfiy boʻlmagan butun sonlarni raqamlashga o'rgatish metodikasini oʻrganish va bu borada boshlangʻich sinf oʻqituvchisiga qoʻyiladigan talablar haqida soʻz etilgan.

