Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Logistics and socio-economic functions of small business
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In this article given development of policies about small business and their socio-economic functions. The transition to market relations and the development of various forms of ownership becomes an irreversible process in our country. In this regard, small businesses are of great importance for the development of the country's economy, which are necessary to further increase production, increase the production of consumer goods, increase the number of services provided to the population.
Logistics in the humanitarian context (Syrian crisis as a case study)
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of logistics in the humanitarian context, and to point out to the differences between humanitarian logistics and commercial logistics. Based on the lessons learnt during the humanitarian crisis in Syria, which was the reason that made it the destination for a huge number of the international non-governmental organizations along with UN agencies, this paper will point out to the differences between humanitarian logistics and commercial logistics.
Logistics processes in the system of organizing the supply of building materials
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Consideration of the construction index as a whole and the components that allow us to conclude that, according to it, construction can be integrated into a system that includes a set of interrelated and interdependent flows. The main of these flows are the following: information, material and technical resources, financial resources and other flows.
Logorithmic exercises and their features of use
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This article discusses logo rhythmic exercises and their features of use
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This article explains the moral nature of love. Discusses approaches to the concept of love in the works of thinkers.
Lymphotropic therapy of patients with open-angle glaucoma
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The preservation of visual functions in primary open-angle glaucoma remains one of the most pressing problems in modern ophthalmology. Despite the development of many methods of treating glaucoma, vision loss and even blindness from glaucoma are not uncommon. Over the past 3 decades, the frequency of blindness from glaucoma in our country and other developed countries has been steadily maintained at the level of 15% of the total number of all blind people At the moment, more attention is being paid to a direct-acting neuroprotective drug that directly affects retinal neurons and optic nerve fibers by blocking the main factors of cell damage caused by ischemia.
M&A trends in global airline industry
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Historically, industry participants in the global airline industry have expanded their capacities and networks and were noticed being engaged in price wars in an effort to gain market share. However, the last 10 years of industry are characterized by unstable passenger demand and scattering fuel prices. In this conditions, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity has grown stronger, as now industry participants have moved their attention to cost cutting and excess capacity reduction in an aspiration to improve profitability.
M2m potentials in logistics and transportation industry
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All over the world, road congestion is among themost prevalent transport challenges usually in urban environments which not only increases fuel consumption and emission of harmful gases, but also causes stress for the drivers. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) enables a better use of the infrastructure by connecting vehicles to other vehicles as well as infrastructure and thus delivers a faster communication opportunity to ensure safe and secure driving.
MAN CLA 16.220 avtomobilining tormozlanish xususiyatini noqulay ob-havo sharoitlarida hisoblash
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Tormozlanish xususiyati tormoz tizimlarining ishi bilan ta’minlanadi. Amalda bo‘lgan davlat standartlariga asosan avtomobillar uchta majburiy tormoz tizimlari bilan (ishchi, to‘xtatib turish va zaxira) jixozlanadi. Og‘irligi 12t.dan ortiq avtomobillar yoki tog‘lik rayonlarda foydalanishga mo‘ljallangan avtomobillar esa yordamchi tormoz tizimi bilan ham jixozlanishi lozim.
MTM bilan ota – onalar hamkorligining samarali usullari, maqsad va vazifalarining asoslari
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Maqolada maktabgacha ta`lim bilan ota-ona hamkorligi, bog`liq jihatlari va albatta maqsad va vazifalari xususida so`z yuritiladi.
MTT da pedagogik jarayonni tashkil etishni yanada takomillashtirish va rivojlantirish
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Insonni har tomonlama barkamol qilib tarbiyalash, xalqimizning azaliy orzusi bo‘lib, ularni komillikka yetaklash yo‘llari, qonun-qoidalarini muttasil izlaganlar. Maqolada mamlakatimizda MTT ni yanada takomillashtirish va rivojlantirish borasida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar va chora-tadbirlarni takomillashtirish masalalari to`g`risida so`z yuritilgan.
Madaniyatning ijtimoiy fanlar va ijtimoiy fanlarda tutgan órni
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Ushbu maqolada madaniyat, madaniyat sotsiologiyasi va socialogik fanlar haqida so'z etilgan. Madaniyatning inson jamiyatidagi ro'li va vazifasi. Madaniyatning paydo bólish ótmishi. Madaniyatning óziga xos individning hayot faoliyatida shakllanishi. Madaniyat tushinchasining sivilizatsiya bilan boģliqli. Tarixiy davrlar madaniyati haqida bayon etiladi.
Mahathir Mohamad and Lee Kuan Yew - excellent thought practitioners
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Leaders have a significant role and immense influence on the history of a country, a people, or even an era in the development of human society. Throughout history, there have been many notable figures, including two outstanding leaders in Southeast Asia, namely Mahathir Mohamad and Lee Kuan Yew. They mastered the rotation of history, attached to the country's destiny, and changed the political situation of Malaysia and the Island Nation- of Singapore. They are not only the leaders but also excellent thought practitioners, which is reflected in the policies and ideology in many fields related to Islam and Confucianism. To solve the scientific problems stated in this paper, the author has used an interdisciplinary approach with cultural methods, anthropological research methods, and historical methods to indicate that Mahathir Mohamad and Lee Kuan Yew are excellent thought practitioners.
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Mazkur maqolada arxitekturada mahobatli bezak san’ati ashyo va texnikasi rang - barangligi, binolar barpo qilish jarayonida monumentalist rassomlar rangtasvirga asos bo‘ladigan ashyolar, rassomni o‘z oldiga qo‘ygan ba'diiy vazifa va uning tasvirlanish haqida batafsil bayon etilgan.
Main characteristics of the modern stage of science development
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This article examines the main characteristics of the current stage of development of science.
Main criteria for assessment of work, competence and professionalism of the trainer
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The peculiarities of the coach's activity are connected, first of all, with the goal facing him - the achievement of high sportsmanship by his students as a result of many years of training. To understand the psychological characteristics of successful sports activity, it is necessary to understand the nature of one of its most important factors - the personality of the coach. He was represented as a dogmatic and rude person, striving to bring up the same qualities in athletes under his command, as a loser with a whistle around his neck. In some cases, it was a portrait of a courageous knight with a strong will and high moral principles, ready to protect his pupils from delusions, to prepare them for life.
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This article is devoted to a review of the basic models of personnel management. The conducted research allows to assert that the problem of productive personnel management is one of the most urgent problems of the effectiveness of organizations. For Russia this is a relatively new problem. Its topical nature requires studying the accumulated domestic and foreign experience.
Main feature professional competence of the teacher
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This article analyzes the main feature of the teacher's professional competence.
Main features of ecological education
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The article discusses the main features of environmental education.