Natural science education in higher pedagogical school: search for new approaches

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The article analyzes the current state of science education in higher education and substantiates the importance and necessity of improving its quality. Based on the experience gained at the Samara state social and pedagogical University, a new structural and content model of natural science education in the higher pedagogical school is proposed. First of all, the authors justify the need for future teachers to develop natural science knowledge to form the worldview of future teachers. Considering the question of the functions of natural science, its place in spiritual culture, the authors come to the conclusion about the urgent need to update natural science education in the new conditions of higher education. The purpose of natural science education should be, first of all, the formation of the student's worldview, increasing the level of his professional and General cultural competence. Much attention is paid to the problem of natural science education of students-Humanities, search, in connection with the importance of solving this problem, new approaches to learning. As conclusions, the article presents the structural and content model of natural science education in higher pedagogical school, the conditions for increasing the level of natural science training of students - humanitarians, formulated some recommendations for the organization of the pedagogical process of natural science education in higher pedagogical school.


Culture, natural science, humanitarian culture, natural science culture, cultural approach, pedagogical education, paradigm, integration, post-non-classical worldview, worldview, natural science worldview, competence, functions of natural science


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IDR: 148314352

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