Natural science education in higher pedagogical schools: theory and methodology of transition to a new paradigm

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The paper is devoted to theoretical and methodological analysis of the issue of synergetics development as a universal interdisciplinary approach. The article presents an analysis of the main provisions of the synergetic paradigm and the current state of natural science education in higher education, justifies the need to improve its quality. Based on the experience gained at Samara state social and pedagogical University, new approaches are proposed in natural science education at the higher pedagogical school. Much attention is paid to the problem of synergetic modeling in the humanitarian sphere. The article describes the applications of synergetic methodology in pedagogy and in natural science education of students of Humanities.


Synergetics, interdisciplinarity, natural science, humanitarian culture, natural science culture, cultural approach, pedagogical education, paradigm, integration, post-non-classical worldview, worldview, complexity, nonlinearity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148314392   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-74-50-55

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