EU producers at the mercy of Chinese competitors?

Автор: Žunić Tijana

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Original scientific work

Статья в выпуске: 1-3 vol.32, 2015 года.

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Like any other WTO member the EU is entitled to use antidumping measures to protect its market from certain imports in the case of unfair competition. As far as China is concerned, the EU has extensively been using the 'analogue country' method for calculation of anti-dumping margin, as a method applicable for non-market economies, which enabled it to protect domestic producers from low Chinese prices. However, on 16th December 2016 this country will be granted a full market economy status within the WTO, as enshrined in Article 15 (d) of the China's Accession Protocol. This effectively means that the EU will not be able to charge such a high anti-dumping duty to Chinese products and shield domestic industry from a fierce competition. This article argues that the EU treatment of Chinese exporters was based on trade protectionism, and that, due to the forced change in December 2016, the internal market will face danger after China is granted a full market economy status.


Anti-dumping, EU trade, WTO, Chinese products import

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IDR: 170202491   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp1503014Z

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