Features of the organization and use of a physiological experiment in biology lessons

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This article describes the features of using one of the most effective methods used in biology lessons in the educational process - a physiological experiment. Data on the organization, methods and effectiveness of this experiment were analyzed. The types and locations of physiological experiments, the duration and the expected results from these experiments are described. Topics are given for use in the educational process by sections and levels of difficulty. The advantages of using various experiments are described, as well as examples of experiments taking into account age characteristics. The importance of using experiments at different stages of learning is revealed, including the very initial stages of teaching biology and subsequent stages, taking into account the difficulties that may arise in the process of teaching biology. The purpose of this article is to reveal important points in organizing, conducting and evaluating a physiological school experiment and introducing new research methods into school education.


Education, teaching methods, methodology, knowledge, experiment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203289

IDR: 170203289   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-1-191-195

Список литературы Features of the organization and use of a physiological experiment in biology lessons

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