Foreign language as a part of professionally-oriented training in the system of continuous professional development in healthcare

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Currently healthcare education is based on the continuous development of knowledge. In this regard, the global health systems becomе more complex and costly and set forth additional requirements for medical workers. Further professional growth to a certain extent depends on the language competence of a specialist; the fact becoming a “must” at the present stage of healthcare and medicine development. Participation in international scientific conferences, writing articles in a foreign language, communicating with foreign colleagues using electronic means and the Internet, reading scientific publications in a lingua franca supported by constantly updated knowledge of a foreign language at the proper level, will allow constantly improving personal and professional attitudes of a specialist.


Foreign language, continuing professional development, healthcare, medicine, self-realization, educational programs

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IDR: 170187996   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10798

Список литературы Foreign language as a part of professionally-oriented training in the system of continuous professional development in healthcare

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