Formation of students’ reading competence in English lessons

Автор: Mashirapova Ainagul, Ergasheva Asel, Suiunbai Kyzy Tahmina, Ismoilov Doston

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 т.9, 2023 года.

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The relevance of the problem of the formation of reader's competence increases for successful socialization and implementation in the modern information world, students must learn to navigate the flow of information, and for this to be able to: independently read works, express value judgments about what they read, independently choose sources of information, work with various types of books (dictionaries, reference books), periodicals (magazines, newspapers), Internet sources, perceive and transmit information from various types of texts, determine (predict) the content of the text by elements, use information from the text for productive activities. In this regard, this article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the formation of reading competence among students in English lessons. The task of the modern education system is not only the development of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines, but also a set of universal educational activities. Universal learning activities are both the result of the educational process and the conditions for the assimilation of knowledge, skills and competencies. One of these universal learning activities is reading. Mastering reading at different stages of learning contributes to the development of both intellectual and emotional and moral spheres of personality. This problem is relevant recently, thanks to computers and various "gadgets", the status of reading and the attitude towards it have changed a lot. The formation of students' reading competence in general, and within the framework of the subject "English" in particular, is one of the priorities and integral components of the educational process in an educational organization.


Competence, education system, youth, training, reading literacy, reading competence

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14127748   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/90/76

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