Formation of university students’ value orientations as a basis of their social self-determination

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The problem of forming higher school student’s value orientations under consideration is signicant because of a dynamic socio-economic situation in the country, which implies constant changes in the production sphere, caused by continuous development of technologies, and in cultural sphere, determined by incessant upgrade of communication means as well as a global tendency towards economic and cultural integration. These changes lead to the lack of steady value orientations in society, because previous orientations become less topical and fail to reect the current state of affairs, while the new ones are not formed yet. Therefore, the system of higher education should aim at preparing not only competent specialists but also graduates who are able to orientate themselves in the sphere of values, reconsider values, make independent decisions and make a choice in indenite situations following their own system of values. So, the article aim and, hence, the content, is to develop a complex of axiological situations for the formation of value orientations of university students. As a result an original complex of axiological situations was developed and theoretically substantiated. The types, functions, stages and specicities of practical usage of these situations were also determined


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IDR: 142228911   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2017-9-4-74-82

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