The formation of emotional value of fish pastes in the process of muscular tissue baking

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In the technology of culinary fish products from whole-muscle tissue the way of heat treatment (cook-ing, frying and baking) has essential impact on or-ganoleptic properties of ready-made product and, therefore, its emotional value. It assumes the possi-bility of expansion of the range of culinary fish prod-ucts on the basis of crushed muscular tissue, includ-ing pastes, using baking as heat treatment process. The work purpose is to establish the opportunity and technological parameters of the process of formation of new organoleptic properties of crushed muscular tissue of Far Eastern fishes under baking. The tasks are to investigate the influence of fish species on or-ganoleptic properties of heat-treated semi-finished product; the temperatures of heating and the duration of baking on organoleptic properties of heat-treated semi-finished product. The objects of the research are heat-treated samples of crushed muscular tissue made of descilified fillet of rudd and saffron cod. The influence of fish species, the temperature of heating environment and the duration of baking on the for-mation of organoleptic properties of crushed muscu-lar tissue of rudd and saffron cod are investigated. The results of the research show that at baking there is formation of new original organoleptic properties (color, smell, taste) of heat-treated semi-finished products. It is established that the effect of baking in studied samples has been already shown at 180 °C. The further increase in the temperature and duration of heating has ambiguous impact on studied indica-tors. So, the intensity of taste and smell increases and reaches the maximum values at the temperature of heating of 200 °C and the duration of heating of 25 minutes whereas the consistence of experimental samples in studied temperature time span worsens. It is supposed that the basis of formation of color, smell and taste of thermal processed samples is made by melanoidin formation reaction, and the deterioration of their consistence is the result of thermal denatura-tion of muscle proteins. Thus, the set modes of bak-ing are recommended to be used when developing the technology of new types of fish pastes.


Emotional value, far eastern rudd, baking, far eastern saffron cod, heat treatment re-gimes

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224338

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