Formation of the creative potential of a manager of social and cultural activities: a person-oriented approach

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The author's definition of the concept of "creative potential of a manager of socio cultural activities" as an open, dynamically developing system of individual psychological characteristics, cognitive capabilities and value orientations of a manager's personality with organic integrity and expressing motivational readiness to perform functional roles in the organization of socio cultural activities is presented. The choice of general cultural conditions, principles of successful development of the creative potential of the manager's personality is associated with its structure and functions, as well as the specifics of the organization of socio cultural activities. Criteria, indicators and real levels of development of the creative potential of the manager's personality were determined on the basis of an analytical review of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the concept of psychology of creativity (Ya.A. Ponomarev), the concept of the psychological structure of creativity in adults (T.A. Barysheva), conceptual directions of the theory of socio cultural activity (N.N. Yaroshenko). The dominant priorities of the progressive development of the creative potential of the manager in socio cultural activities are highlighted by the author on the basis of the application of specific methodological approaches.


The personality of the manager, socio cultural activities, multifunctional roles of the manager, management technologies, active forms, methods of interactive learning

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163065   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-2118-121-129

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