Spontaneous speaking skills formation of students studying at electrical engineering department of Samara State Technical University on the basis of the text-book "Technical English for electrical engineers"

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Foreign competence formation has several components, including spontaneous speaking teaching. This article deals with the problem of spontaneous speaking skills forming of students studying at the Electrical Engineering department of Samara State Technical University. Spontaneous speech has dual nature. On the one hand, it is characterized by spontaneity, on the other hand, the speakers use ready-made forms fixed in the language system. The purpose of this article is to describe the forming mechanisms of spontaneous speaking skills of Electrical Engineering students using the system of exercises given in the text-book "Technical English for Electrical Engineers". Also, there are some characteristic features of spontaneous translation in this paper. "Spontaneous translation" is considered to be oral speech, which is not prepared in advance. The article also provides mistakes analysis made by students during the final test of the Translators Competition. Since the technical text interpretation is a time-consuming process in which many parameters and features of both native and foreign languages must be taken into account, a set of exercises aimed at building spontaneous speaking skills is given at the conclusion. For example, language exercises providing operations with language units and forming elementary skills; exercises aimed at enlarging the vocabulary; exercises that help to develop skills to form different parts of speech and others. As a result of successful spontaneous speaking skills formation, students will show good knowledge in the field of technical translation.


Spontaneous speaking, translation competence, translation of technical texts, competition of translators, technical translation, characteristics of the technical text

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148312788

IDR: 148312788

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