Formation of professional competences of the student: educational process content

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Design of an automated information system in the educational process creates in students knowledge and abilities: to analyze data domain for which it is developed; to plan periods and to make demands for the project, i.e. to conduct research of object domain and to define the development purposes. At a design stage they acquire abilities to define composition of automated functions according to the formulated requirements, i.e. to set tasks. At an implementation stage (design engineering, physical design, programming) skills for development and setup of the software, filling of the database are created, working instructions for staff are created, the draft design is drawn. At this stage abilities to compare the received result with the scheduled, abilities to document the received results are created. The knowledge and skills received as a result of the educational process correspond to the following professional competences specified in the working curriculum of training of bachelors (230100.62 "Informatics and ADP equipment"): PС2 - to master techniques of use of software for the solution of practical tasks; PС4 - to develop models of components of information systems, including models of databases; PС5 - to develop components of program complexes and databases, to use the modern work benches and technologies of programming, etc. The description of the educational process content is presented in the article from the position of formation of professional competences, namely, knowledge, abilities, scope of professional tasks and ways of their solution. Professional competences are formed through the conditions which are specially organized by the teacher, namely, educational process contents and pedagogical technologies. The wider the range of the tasks directed at professional activity the more competent becomes the trainee.


Educational process, formation, professional competences, professional task

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IDR: 148102364

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