French transposition of "The St. Petersburg slums" of Vs. Krestovsky: "The St. Petersburg secrets" of Ivan Doff (1877-1878)

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"St. Petersburg slums. The book about full and hungry" by Vsevolod Krestovsky (1864-1866) was translated into German in 1868, into Finnish in 1895, into English in 1907, into Bulgarian in 1998. There is no French translation, but we found the novel feuilleton under the name "The St. Petersburg secrets. History full and hungry" which similarity of a plot to a plot of "The St. Petersburg slums" is obvious, at least at the beginning of the novel because then the author gives full vent to the imagination. The French author masks a floor a pseudonym of Ivan Doff which we did not manage to understand. The novel was published in 160 numbers (from December 18, 1877 to June 13, 1878) of newspapers «Le Petit Parisien», which was based on August 1, 1876 and quickly became the most widespread thanks to, in many respects, daily publication at the same time of two or three novels feuilletons in "cellars". The novel "St. Petersburg Secrets" was reprinted in the specialized weekly «Le Petit roman-feuilleton» (Lyon) from June 2, 1878 to March 30, 1879 and in «Cri du peuple» (the magazine founded by Jules Valles) from July 16, 1887 to February 19, 1888. Any of these publications are not considered in researches or bibliographies about the French novel feuilleton. In 2013 Ivan Doff's novel is republished by us as the separate book with the preface. Having stated briefly a novel plot, in the present article we will pay attention, mainly, to the paratext (announcements of the novel) which reflects problems of perception of the Russian novel in France.


Вs. krestovsky, the russian "the book about full and hungry", plot, text, context, paratext, perception of announcements of the novel in france

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