The functional and semantic role of biblionyms intra in E.Yu. Lukin’s novel Pedagogical poem of the second order

Автор: Dashchinsky V.V.

Журнал: Сибирский филологический форум @sibfil

Рубрика: Слово молодым исследователям

Статья в выпуске: 4 (29), 2024 года.

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Statement of the problem. The works of the Bakluzhinsky cycle by Volgograd science fiction writer E.Yu. Lukin are a series of socio-psychological experiments answering the question “what if?” In relation to the Pedagogical Poem of the Second Order (2012), the question can be formulated as follows: what will happen to the state and society if fans of role-playing games based on books turn out to be in power? The article examines biblionyms intra - titles of other author’s works present in the artistic world of the text (the Latin index ‘intra’ is designed to distinguish this type of a title from the title of the entire text or the titles of its parts). The purpose of the article is to analyze the functional and semantic role of the titles of the works mentioned in the text of the story. Review of the scientific literature on the problem. The works of O.O. Putilo were devoted to certain aspects of E.Yu. Lukin’s creative works. The analysis of biblionyms in structural, semantic, typological and pragmatic aspects is reflected in the works of L.A. Klimkova, N.N. Ustinova, and N.B. Bugakova. The biblionyms of the Volgograd writer have never been the object of research. Methodology. The main research methods are (1) descriptive-analytical, (2) aspect analysis represented by: a) functional, b) thematic, c) contextual, d) intertextual analyses. Research results. The total ‘gamification’ of reality risks turning into a blurring of ontological criteria, the indistinguishability of play and life. E.Yu. Lukin illustrates the principle of ‘forbidden fruit is sweetest’ (using the example of the state’s withdrawal of classical literature from the school curriculum) and shows what managerial decisions lead to when they forcibly introduce a certain subculture into the society.


Biblionyms, literary onomastics, ‘the barbara streisand effect’, fantasy, ‘gamification’ of reality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163250   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-7844-2024-4-112-124

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