Generative artificial intelligence in the educational process: challenges and prospects

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The article analyzes collisions arising from the use of artificial intelligence (AI), in particular ChatGPT, in modern society and the educational process. The author compared ChatGPT's answers to the question about the dangers of its use with the provisions of three codes of cyber ethics and came to the conclusion that out of ten answers proposed by “machine intelligence”, nine have a correlation with codes of cyber ethics: 4 ChatGPT answers are present in all three codes of ethics created by people, 3 in two “human” codes, another 2 in at least one Code. The author distinguishes between threats when using new versions of artificial intelligence in a broad social sense and those that are specific to the education system. Assessing the prospects for using AI in educational practice, the author makes the assumption that students will be encouraged to independently mark tasks completed with and without AI. The gradual formation of a culture of using AI in educational practice (by analogy with the use of photographs without a filter) will reduce the severity of the problem of academic fraud. But, in addition to clarifying the concepts of plagiarism and copyright, the education system requires a more refined understanding of independent work and creative activity. Where the verification of a completed task is associated not with the acquired amount of information, but with the developed ability of critical thinking, the role of personal communication between the student and the teacher in the educational process radically changes.


Education, digitalization, artificial intelligence (ai), chatgpt, critical thinking

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144162964   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-5115-66-75

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