История, источниковедение, историография. Рубрика в журнале - Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке

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The article deals with the information potential of customs books, which are accounting documents of the Russian customs houses of the 17th - 18th centuries, for studying the Russian customs history of the period.

Guest performances of prominent artistes in Vladivostok (1941-1945)
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The article deals with the guest concert activity in Vladivostok during World War II. The author studies the contribution of the prominent Soviet guest performers to emotional and moral support of people of the Soviet Far East, which was one of the factors of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Haritable activity of the Russian Australians aimed at rendering aid to their historic homeland
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This article is concerned with the charitable activity of the Russian émigré community in Australia aimed to render aid to Russia in the late 20th and early 21st century. The start of the activities, their forms and sources of financing has been discussed in it.

K. A. Kuznetsov (1883-1953) as a professor of the institute of oriental studies
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The paper is devoted to the life and works of Konstantin A. Kuznetsov (1883-1953). A graduate of the two Universities - Moscow and Heidelberg, K. Kuznetsov was interested in problems of legal systems of the Great Britain and the USA, and was a consecutive disciple and adherent of Georg Jellinek. He was twice sent to London in order to work in the British Museum and Public Record Office. Based on his scholarly research K. Kuznetsov published two monographs: Studies in Political Thought in England (XV-XVII) (Vladivostok, 1913), and The House of Commons in Tudor and Stuart Times (Odessa, 1915). He combined basic activities in law studies with a serious interest for music under the guidance of Ph. Wolfrum, who specialized in Bach. In 1909 he was appointed a lecturer of Law History at the Moscow University, and worked there until 1912. As he supported the protest of the leading professors of the Moscow University, K. Kuznetsov had to move to Vladivostok where he worked as a professor of the Institute of Oriental Studies. After a year in Vladivostok, he left for Odessa where he delivered lectures at the Imperial University of Odessa. In the beginning of the 1920s Kuznetsov returned to Moscow and started his carrier as a Professor of the Music History in the Moscow Conservatoire. Kuznetsov had to give up his law studies in the Soviet period.

Pedagogical activities of S. P. Mertvago in Montenegro
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he article deals with the role of S. P. Mertvago in the development of female education in Montenegro. From 1888 to 1913, she headed Mariinsky Women's College in Cetinje founded on money of the Russian Empresses. There, S.P. Mertvago managed to establish an advanced democratic system of education for young girls. The ladies graduating from the college became the first educated women of that country ready, in their turn, to educate the entire people. Unfortunately, political conflicts and intrigues resulted in the closure of the college, but fond memories of it have been still kept in Montenegro.

The Sakhalin island coasts mapping in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century
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he article deals with the history of hydrographical and geological explorations of Sakhalin in the second half of the 19th century, which enabled one to specify the coastal line of the island. As it came to be more colonised in the early 1900s, the most of its coast on geographical maps acquired the shape similar to the current one.

The current researches in the field of the history of Siberian exile on the web-site www.penpolit.ru
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The historiographic analysis of the content of the site on the history of the penitentiary and protective policy of the Russian state in Siberia in the XVIII-XX centuries is given. The author considers the articles of some specialists, dwelling on the problems of modern study of the history of criminal and political exile.

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The article deals with the information value of the published works of the financial ministry officials. Published in the period of 1895-1905 known in history as "the Far East decade", they enable one to reveal the priorities of customs policy and discover its contradictions and incoherence.

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Рассматриваются характер и масштабы кампании по выселению с территории советского Дальнего Востока семей, главы которых были репрессированы в годы Большого террора. Показано, что в 1937-1938 гг. общее число таких выселенцев превышало 10 тыс. семей. На основе анализа архив¬ных документов и мемуарных источников автор приходит к выводу, что данная кампания являлась одной из форм массовых сталинских депортаций и была нацелена на социальную «чистку» пограничного региона в условиях угрозы войны с Японией.

Статья обзорная
Автор обобщает литературу по истории милиции, изданную с 1920-х годов по настоящее время, анализирует большой фактический и научный материал, освещающий процесс становления и развития органов внутренних дел в 1922-1930-е годы. В статье дается общая характеристика как российских, так и дальневосточных исследований, рассматриваются этапы историографии изучаемого периода.

Научные учреждения советского Дальнего Востока в 1920-1930-е годы
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Рассматривается становление и развитие сети научных учреждений Дальнего Востока в первые два десятилетия советской власти. Анализируются формы организации деятельности ученых и противоречивое влияние государственной политики отраслевого управления наукой в 1930-е годы на региональные научные организации.

Решение жилищной проблемы на Дальнем Востоке (1946 г. - середина 1950-х годов)
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Исследуется история жилищного строительства в послевоенные годы на российском Дальнем Востоке. Представлен ретроспективный анализ мер, которые принимались властями для решения жилищной проблемы.

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На основе архивных источников в статье рассмотрены действия советского правительства и краевых органов власти по формированию экономических условий для преодоления контрабанды на советском Дальнем Востоке. В результате проведенного исследования сделан вывод, что ликвидация контрабанды возможна только во взаимодействии мероприятий экономического, правового и административного характера.