Verb and non - verb means of expressing the category of priority in dialogue fragments of a literary discourse

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The given article is devoted to the results of the analysis of the language means of expression of the category of priority in the dialogue fragments derived from a literary text / discourse. The dialogue in a literary work presents the stylization of the colloquial speech and fulfills several important functions in the text- to be an indirect way of character drawing, his status and role parameters his level of education and culture, conveyance authors message. Verb priority as a category can be expressed either by verbs or by other parts of speech: adverbs, adjectives, pronouns etc. The semantics of the usage of the past tense forms lies in the sphere of differentiating the «remote» priority which is connected with the moment of speech and «close» priority also connected with the moment of speech. Non - verb priority can be expressed by the demonstrative pronouns, nouns and adjectives, time and place adverbs. This type of priority differs from the first one in denoting «close» priority connected with the moment of speech.


Dialogue fragment, lived time, discourse time, tense, priority, verb priority, non - verb priority

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IDR: 148100364

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