Deep approach to education in foreign studies: subject matter, features, the problem of translation

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the article is dedicated to the deep approach, which has spread in the foreign theory and practice starting from the mid-1970s. The presented interdisciplinary research is based on more than 50 English-language sources freely available on the Internet. The following methods were used: the analysis of publications and foreign websites, generalization, content-analysis, modeling, lexical and semantic analysis, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing, etc. The concept of deep approach has broad and narrow meanings. In the narrow sense, student who takes it, aims to gain an insight into a subject, create inter- and metadisciplinary connections, take a broad and deep view of the studied material, relate new material to previous knowledge, etc. The deep approach is opposed to the surface approach. The latter implies learning to repeat what have been learnt and memorizing only the information needed for tests and exams. Both approaches and their characteristics are discussed in the article, as well as the factors influencing the choice of an approach and the role of teachers who also can take deep and surface approaches. The broad meaning of the deep approach is presented in the research of F. V. Tochon. The following significant features of this phenomenon are highlighted: transdisciplinary, transformative, integrative, meaningful, holistic, global, process-oriented, and responsible. The prerequisites for the emergence of a new philosophical interpretation of the approach are examined in the article. In addition to that, the authors determine deep ecology, deep democracy, deep economics, deep culture, and deep linguistics as transdisciplinary concepts and give the possible translations of the terms «deep approach», «deep education», «deep university» to the Russian language. At the end of the article a short glossary of the key terms used to describe the deep approach to education is presented. The authors also outline the directions for the development of the ideas of deep approach in the theory and practice of education and relate the research perspectives of lifelong education with the deep approach.


Approaches to education and learning, deep approach, surface approach, deep education, transdisciplinarity.

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IDR: 147112417

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