The characteristics of fermented beverages on the basis of lactoserum and fruit juice

Автор: Shavyrkina N.A., Obrezkova M.V., Shkolnikova M.N.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2018 года.

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Nowadays there is a question of dairy raw materi-als deficiency and therefore economically expedient is its processing, by biotechnological methods, and using all its components is more and more actual. In spite of the fact that lactoserum possesses proved value for the organism as it has beneficial effect on digestive tract, clears intestines, normalizes flora, removes toxins, slags, stimulates the work of the liver and kidneys, the majority of milk-processing enter-prises irrationally use secondary resources due to extremely short shelf life. The perspective direction of using lactoserum is the development of production technologies of beverages on its basis, including those with the addition of fruit juice and purees which also considerably increase physiological value of combined beverages thanks to polyphenols, vitamins, organic acids and mineral substances of fruit. The characteristic of combined fermented beverages on the basis of the whey and ‘Banana with Pulp’ nectar for which receiving it is offered to enter fermentation stage pro-biotic microorganisms, i.e. acidophile bac-teria of Lactobacillus acidophilus is provided in the study. The indicators of quality are investigated and the results of tasting assessment of the received beverage samples with addition of ‘Banana with pulp’ nectar in the number of 10, 20 and 30 % of whey vol-ume, the results of researches on the change of titrable acidity, the quantity of fermenting pro-biotic microflora (bacteria of acidophile stick) in the course of fermentation of combined mix are presented. By the results of conducted researches the development of technology and the compounding of combined beverage on the basis of the whey and fruit juice with pro-biotic microflora are suggested.


Combined product, whey, functional products, fermentation, lactic acid bacteria, probiotic microflora

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IDR: 140224331

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