Simulation modeling of forest stands with the aim of improvement of logging operations and parameters of forest machines

Автор: Belenky Yu.I., Valyazhonkov V.D., Ivanov A.M., Demidov S.A., Fam Ngok Lin

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 10, 2016 года.

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The research objective was the implementation of an adequate response of forecasting of rational parameters of forest cars, technological processes and the efficiency of their application on the influ-ence of the factors of natural working conditions (NWC) by imitating modeling (IM) of forest stands. This will simplify the work and will significantly re-duce the cost of all kinds of statistical evaluation of the characteristics of the stand. Research methods included the research of the variability of ranges of each random variable of M of the imitated parame-ter in the allowed limits with the purpose of the es-tablishment of its statistical characteristics observ-ing the expression [Mmin] ≤ M ≤ [Mmах]. With the help of this method of research the studied system was replaced with the model accurately describing the real system that was used in carrying out exper-iments with the purpose of obtaining information about this system. It gives an opportunity of receiv-ing the selection of any parameter or an indicator in the form of variability of a random variable. The imitation establishes the essence of the phenome-non without carrying out experiments in actual prac-tice. The technique of imitating modeling of forest stands taking into account stochastic nature of pa-rameters of natural working conditions has been created. This technique considerably reduces tem-porary, labor investment and other types of expend-itures as it works without carrying out experimental works. At the same time the model of the studied system, with sufficient accuracy describes the real system. The received models of forest stands cre-ate the possibility of carrying out physical modeling of the interaction of the ways and means of techno-logical support from NWC. Physical modeling of functioning of the system "a way of influence - a technical means - NWC" by the method of similari-ty gives possibilities of the decision on how to cre-ate new and improve existing technologies of felling works; create new and improve existing forest cars; technically interact with the forest environment ra-tionally.


Simulation modeling of forest stands, stochastic nature of parameters, natural and production conditions

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084501

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