Impact of sea buckthorn extract on bread indicators

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In the article it can be seen that vegetable raw materials are rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, proteins, by carrying out a literary review of scientific research on the chemical composition of plant raw materials in general, including sea buckthorn. An extract is obtained from the leaves of the sea buckthorn berries demonstrating antimicrobial properties, also the influence on microbiological indicators and the improvement of the quality of bread products were studied. The optimal quantity was selected with the addition of extract of leaves of the sea buckthorn berries in the amount of 0.5%, 2% and 4%. The study found that the addition of 2 per cent of the leaves of the sea buckthorn berries extract not only improves the nutritional value of the baked goods, but also extends the shelf life of the final products.


Production of vegetable raw materials, sea buckthorn, bread, quality, microbiological safety

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IDR: 140293867

Список литературы Impact of sea buckthorn extract on bread indicators

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