Технология пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета

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The increasing demand for high-quality pet food products and the need for strict safety standards have led to the exploration and development of technologies that can accurately and quickly assess the quality of these products. One such technology is Imaging Analysis (IA) systems, which offers automation, non-destructiveness, and costeffectiveness to meet these evolving requirements. Imaging Analysis (IA) systems electronically replicate human visual perception, enabling precise and efficient evaluation of images. Extensive research has highlighted its potential and demonstrated successful applications in examining and grading pet food products. This review paper introduces the fundamental components of computer vision systems, while also discussing their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, it explores image processing techniques and provides a comprehensive analysis of recent advancements and potential applications in evaluating the quality of pet food products.

Analysis of the influence of heating temperature on the convective drying process
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The study examines the influence of heating temperature during the convective drying of fruits on the mass fraction of moisture in the finished product. Convective drying is a promising method for preserving products, allowing the production of dried fruits that can provide essential nutrients year-round. The experiments detailed in this article aim to establish optimal fruit drying modes. Standard methods were used to analyze the experiments according to regulatory documents in force in Kazakhstan. The authors proposed diagrams of convective drying of the fruits in the south of Kazakhstan. According to the constructed schemes, it can be seen that the heating temperature during the drying process affects the final product. According to the analysis, an increase in heating temperature results in a decreased drying time. At the specified time, the highest conversion rate of the relative mass of the dried product is detected. Additionally, it was obtained that the temperature, size, and structure of fresh raw materials affect the period of maximum moisture volatilization rate. The authors carried out a sensory evaluation of the main quality indicators: taste, color, odor and consistency. The optimal characteristics of the indicators were determined. They were extracted at a heating temperature of 50 ....65 °C. Numerous experiments have shown that it is necessary to offer such convective drying parameters. Convective drying temperature for apples is 50-55 °C, for apricots - 55-65 °C, for prune plums - 60-65 °C. Such results will be useful in the technology of fruit and vegetable processing.

Application and safety of pectin substances from vegetable raw materials in bread production
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Currently, pectin substances and their compounds are often used in cooking as an anionic surfactant. In the technology of food preparation, such properties of pectin substances as swelling, thickening, gel-forming, crystalforming, water-absorbing ability, and emulsifying ability are of great importance. Like any gel-forming fiber, pectin helps remove heavy metals from the body such as lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. MCP may be better suited for these purposes, as it has been used in four clinical studies of heavy metal detoxification. Considering the accumulation of radioactive elements, heavy metal salts and pesticides in the environment and the human body, Jerusalem artichoke, which is rich in pectin substances, carotene and dietary fiber, is of particular interest. It is also economically beneficial as it is a domestic raw material. The goal of scientific research is to obtain a new type of functional bread with the addition of vegetable pectin. In this article, it was determined that the addition of pectin to dough has an effect on biochemical, colloidal, as well as microbiological processes. It also affects the physicochemical and rheological properties and reduces the content of contaminants. The work investigated that when pectin substances are added to the dough, its initial acidity increases. Acidity varied 2.2-2.4. It was also noted that in the test sample the fermentation process was more active; the activity of the fermentation process was associated with the addition of sugar along with pectin. As a result of this work, in order to improve the quality of bread and extend shelf life, pectin from raw materials of plant origin was added, the properties of bread samples with Jerusalem artichoke pectin with high performance were studied, and their organoleptic, physicochemical and safety indicators were studied. It was revealed that pectin reduces the content of some toxic elements by up to 100%. Practical significance: the conducted studies showed that the obtained samples of functional bread can be recommended for introduction into production to expand the range of bakery products.

Bio-fermented milk product based on L. acidophilus fortified by Sanguisorba officinalis extract
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The development of new functional food products containing probiotics and prebiotics of plant origin has actual scientific and practical values. The presented study purpose is the creation of fermented milk products based on L.acidophilus with the introduction of an extract of the Sanguisorba officinalis or great burnet as a prebiotic. Extracts from the great burnet rhizomes and roots have an antimicrobial activity, specifically against the bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus with pronounced bactericidal effect on various microbes of the dysenteric and paratyphoid groups, a detrimental effect on Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida and Giardia. Physicochemical and microbiological indicators during ripening and storage of the obtained fermented milk products based on L.acidophilus with great burnet extracts are considered. Titratable acidity, water-holding capacity, the number of lactobacilli, viscosity, and organoleptic values of fermented milk products are analyzed. It is established that the product with great burnet dry extract at a concentration of 10^-3 g/cm^3 has maximum scores for organoleptic, physicochemical, and microbiological indicators. The developed bio-fermented milk product enriched by antioxidants from extracts of biologically active compounds of great burnet will meet the national and international consumers’ demands with recommendations for therapeutic and preventive nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

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In most cases, the color of meat products is the factor influencing consumer choice. It’s formation and preservation is the highest priority. Sodium nitrite is used for fixation of the pleasant pink-red color, but also has a negative image from the consumers oriented towards clean label products. The valorization of rose oil-industry by-products by their incorporation in foods as natural additives is growing research area. The formulated cooked sausage recipes, contain blend of three biologically active substances (BAS) and different level of sodium nitrite reductions: AN100, AN75, AN50, AN25, AN0 and control - C. Color attributes CIE L*, a*, b* were assessed during 14 days of chilled storage (0-4 °C) and their changes in dynamics were evaluated every 10 min for an hour at air exposure. The incorporation of the inhibit the oxidation of meat pigments during the chilled storage and slowed down the fading of the pinkred color of the cross-cut surface during the 60 min of air exposure. The sausages produced with up to 50 % nitrite reduction and the blend of three BAS have lower lightness (L*), higher intensity of the red color (a*) and lower yellowness (b*) of the cross-cut surface in comparison to the control.

Comparative analysis of antibiotics in broiler meat using different methods
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The poultry industry is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide, and broiler chicken meat is one of the main sources of meat. To speed up the growth of chickens in a short period of time, poultry farmers use antibiotics that prevent disease and stimulate growth by increasing the rate of feed intake and reducing mortality from pathogen attacks. This study may be useful in analyzing antibiotic residues and aid in scientific research. Samples of broiler chicken meat from different producer firms were purchased from the Almaty market. The analysis was done by chromatographic method and enzyme immunoassay. The Ridascreen test kit was used for the immunoassay. This article presents the results of the study of meat of broiler chickens of domestic and foreign producers for the presence of antibiotic residues used as growth stimulants. The researches have shown that imported meat of broiler chickens from the USA has 10-20% higher antibiotic content than the permitted level by the amount of antibiotic residues, and meat from Ukraine is 10-13% higher in antibiotcs than the permitted level. The content of chloramphenicol is within the norm in all samples. Kazakhstan and Russian samples of broiler chicken meat meet the requirements of regulatory documents in force on the territory of the EAEU and the results showed that they contain only traces of antibiotics chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Analysis of imported broiler chicken meat (USA, Ukraine) showed the presence of antibiotic residues such as tetracycline and chloramphenicol, exceeding the maximum allowable level. To find out the effect of heat treatment on reducing the amount of antibiotics in broiler chicken meat, pates were made using different modes of heat treatment. As a result of heat treatment, the antibiotic content of poultry muscle tissue is significantly reduced.

Comparative analysis of the quality indicators of bread made of composite flour using ozonated water
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According to the First President of Kazakhstan, it is important to exclude any possibility of food shortages. In this regard, the primary task of the population is to create innovative technologies for the successful promotion and avoidance of food shortages. Bread is one of the most important food products in Kazakhstan. Consequently, the main task of the population of the bakery industry today is the creation of innovative technologies for functional food products. The article presents the results of an organoleptic study of the bread of innovative preparation using composite flour and ozonated water. To create a scientific basis in the production of bread "Composon", a study of organoleptic indicators was conducted. The quality of bread was assessed for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The use of ion-ozone technology makes it possible to reduce environmental pollution, increase the nutritional value of bakery products, as well as reduce material and energy resources. As a result of the study, it was found that the use of ionized water with composite flour affects the improvement of organoleptic indicators of product quality: the color is more uniform, the taste and smell are pronounced and fragrant, the shape of the product is rounded, the texture of the crumb with uniform porosity. Wheat bread, which was made from composite flour and using ozonated water according to the studied technology, retains the freshness of the crumb for 48 hours, has a lower possibility of infection with potato disease, and is also characterized by good organoleptic characteristics.

Determination of the nutritional and biological value of semi-smoked sausage products made from beef
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Sausage products belong to high-calorie products with their own taste and aroma and occupy a significant share in the meat products market of Kazakhstan. In the modern era, one of the most important directions in the creation of technology for meat products is to reduce the content of toxic substances in products and enrich their composition with vitamins, macro - and microelements through natural raw materials. The presented article shows the result of improving the quality indicators of finished products by adding vegetables to them in order to expand the range of semi-smoked beef sausages. Sausage products are meat products made from minced meat and heat - treated, their chemical composition and nutritional value are higher depending on the portion content, i.e. the content of complete proteins, irreplaceable polyunsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements and vitamins in the finished product the composition in the sausage recipe depends on the type and size of the portion. In the course of scientific work, it is planned to increase the nutritional and biological value of sausage by reducing the amount of nitrites and spices used in the production of sausages and adding vitamin-rich carrot juice instead. Carrot juice is a real depository of useful vitamins, micro and macroelements, and the antioxidants contained in it are able to prevent the appearance and development of malignant tumors. Especially vitamin A, which is contained in carrots, is characterized by strong antioxidant properties, it is formed from carotene, which enters our body, and it is easily absorbed through squeezed carrot juice. As a result of research, a recipe for new samples of semi-smoked sausages with the addition of carrot juice was created, a production technology was developed, and the nutritional and biological value of the resulting sausage product was determined. Carrot juice contributed to the formation of aroma, taste, color and high-quality characteristics of sausages.

Determination of the parameters of freeze-drying honey
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The article presents the results of studies of freeze-drying of various types of honey. The purpose of the research was to determine the optimal parameters for the freeze-drying of honey. The physical and chemical parameters of three types of honey produced in the East Kazakhstan region were previously studied. The results showed that the studied prototypes meet the regulatory requirements for the quality of natural honey. It has been established that in terms of moisture content, sunflower honey differs from mountain honey and sweet clover (15 %, 17.3 % and 17.2 %, respectively), and also contains a high amount of reducing sugars (87.9 %), however, the mass fraction of sucrose is 2.5 %. It is noted that the highest content of sucrose in mountain honey is 4.5 %. The diastase number is an indicator of the quality and naturalness of honey and, according to the requirements of GOST, should be at least 8 Gote units, the results show that the studied samples of honey contain from 13.1 to 15.1 units, which confirms the influence of the geographical origin of honey. According to the value of water activity, all types of honey are products with low humidity and long-term storage. The optimal technological modes of freeze-drying of honey have been established, which range from minus 30 °C to minus 40 °C degrees.

Development of a new variety of meat and vegetable cutlets
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Modern problems of the food industry in Kazakhstan are considered. To solve these problems, a recipe for new meat chopped semi-finished products using dietary fiber has been developed. The analysis of physical and chemical indicators of samples of cutlets for fast food presented on the market of Kazakhstan was carried out. When comparing the mass fractions of protein in semi-finished meat products, an increase in the amount of protein was revealed when soy texturate has added. The relevance of the scientific article is that the meat industry is considered a strategic direction of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is part of the food security system. One of the main tasks set before the researcher was to choose the best proportion of soy texturate in the minced meat semi-finished product. The article provides an organoleptic evaluation of the control and experimental samples, on the basis of which a choice was made regarding the percentage of replacement of minced meat with soy texturate.

Development of biopolymer based colorimetric indicator for monitoring of meat and fish freshness
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The need to extend food products' shelf lives is growing as a result of efforts to cut expenses and minimize food waste. The food industry is interested in solutions that would make it easy to keep food fresh and safe for as long as the product is on sale. The purpose of the study is to develop a biopolymer-based colorimetric indicator for monitoring of meat and fish freshness. The significance of the research is to provide food safety via control of the freshness using green and cheap methods. The objects of the study are natural and artificial indicators. The paper presents natural indicators such as curcumin, pomegranate, beetroots, and carrot juice which were incorporated into the compositions of food freshness indicators. The obtained indicators were compared with an artificial indicator, bromothymol blue, and phenol red, concerning their volatile amine monitoring. Additionally, a model of volatile amine release based on the different ammonia solutions was applied in the research. The response of freshness indicators was estimated by the observation of color changes. Compared to the artificial indicators, the curcumin and pomegranate juices gave a similar response. Beetroot and carrot juices did not provide a desirable color change. Further research was made on the development of biopolymer containing freshness indicators based on bromothymol blue and phenol red. The indicators were evaluated for their response to the spoilage of fish and meat samples in the test tubes and in food packaging. Thus, two artificial indicators could be incorporated into effective food freshness indicators for smart packaging.

Development of bread technology with the use of grain raw materials
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Bread made with sourdough is the leader among other baked goods in nutritionist ratings. It is a wonderful source of energy and has a low glycemic index. Making bread using sourdough meets environmental requirements. The use of grain mixtures and their individual components helps to increase the nutritional value of bread and the quality of bread. This paper presents the possibilities of developing bread of nutritional value using sprouted components. The article presents the results of the study. Quality and nutritional value of bread with grain mixtures and components. Organoleptic, physical and chemical, microbiological and rheological studies of semi-finished products and bread of high nutritional value using grain components were carried out. It is proven that the introduction of 28 % of sourdough starter with components from grains, whish were prepared and sprouted in advance, to the mass of flour has a positive effect on the nutritional value of bread.

Development of compound feed recipes for broiler chickens (13-28 days) using vermiculite
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Recently, in the CIS countries and abroad, to compensate for the mineral deficiency of feed rations and reduce their cost, substances of natural origin have increasingly begun to be used: zeolites, travertines, sapropels, bentonites, etc. The prlackblem of the widespread use of natural minerals in the diet of farm animals and poultry represents a pressing issue, given their distinctive properties, waste-free technology, environmental friendliness, and relatively low cost. One of these minerals suitable for use in poultry nutrition is vermiculite (hydromica, hydrous silicate of magnesium and iron of variable composition). The purpose of the study is to determine the physicochemical composition of vermiculite from the Kulantau deposit, and its use as a mineral in the production of animal feed and development of compound feed recipes for broiler chickens Cobb500. The physicochemical parameters of vermiculite, a natural mineral, have been determined. The research analyses were carried out in the research laboratory for assessing the quality and safety of food products of the Almaty Technological University. Feed recipes were developed at LLP “AGRO FIT KAPSHAGAY”. The compound feed recipes for Cobb 500 broiler chickens of 13-28 days were tested at JSC “Alel agro”, in poultry house No. 3.

Development of galette technology using pectin concentrate and whole-ground flour from cereals
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The food industry, covering industries that produce goods for consumption by the population, is a central link in ensuring food security. In this regard, high-quality, medically balanced and safe nutrition is of utmost importance. In this regard, the use of pectin substances as natural detoxifiers and whole-ground flour in the production of galets will solve the problem of meeting the needs of the population in safe food products with high nutritional and biological value. The aim of the work was to develop galettes of increased nutritional value using pectin concentrate and whole-ground flour from cereals. The article examines the effect of beetroot pectin concentrate on the quality of galettes made from a mixture of wheat and whole-ground corn, buckwheat flour. The optimal dosage of whole-ground corn flour of 15%, buckweat flour - 20.0% in the production of galets from wheat flour of the first grade, in which the quality of finished products is similar to control samples, is justified and determined. It was found that the nutritional and biological value of the developed galettes is higher than in the control samples, the products obtained meet the safety requirements of TR CU 021/2011.

Development of gerodietary meat products
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The relevance of the presented research on the development of gerodietary meat products is due to the fact that the relative preferences shown by older people to various protein sources, including animal protein sources such as red meat and poultry, as well as alternative plant-based protein sources, have not yet been identified. The food choices of older adults have not been studied, nor have their preferences and willingness to pay for different carbon tags depending on the protein source. The purpose of the study is to consider the current state and prospects for the development of gerodietary meat products. This article is an exploratory attempt to describe potential pathways for the development of nutritionally balanced gerodietary meat products aimed at helping older adults maintain an active and healthy aging process. The object of the study is age-related changes in the consumption of meat products. Age undoubtedly affects thresholds for recognizing basic tastes, especially sweet and salty. In particular, higher threshold values for sucrose and sodium chloride were found among older people compared to young people. Higher taste recognition thresholds create a natural need to add sugar and salt to food. The research methodology was a qualitative content analysis of the collected material. At the first stage, the texts of publications devoted to the production of gerodietary meat products were read and re-read in their entirety, that is, the so-called naive reading was carried out. Then thoughts were recorded regarding the integrity and relatively important elements of the publications read, arising on the basis of impressions aroused under the influence of naive reading. Further, all parts of publications related to the purpose of researching gerodietary meat products were divided into approximately identical semantic units. Qualitative content analysis involved grouping gerodiet meat products by identifying common characteristics between them, according to production processes and ingredients. At the next stage, the semantic units were subject to codification, and a number of categories with subcategories arose. Finally, after all the texts of the publications had been read, the texts were compared with the results of the undertaken content analysis, which made it possible to verify the reality of the coverage of the content of the publication texts and codes by the selected categories and subcategories in full.

Development of new food products from millet
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Proper nutrition can give us health, longevity and beauty. It assumes that the body regularly needs the necessary amount and many nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, minerals, vitamins should be supplied in optimal proportions. In Kazakhstan, wheat is industrially produced only millet and semi-artisanal products such as "tari", "talkan" and "zhent" are produced. And wheat is an ideal product that can be attributed to the right raw materials, since the fact that it does not contain gluten, the raw materials are rich in B vitamins and protein. The research and development of the technology of the national cereal product talkan, creates an opportunity to expand the range of products, enrich the food market and the consumer's diet with a new cereal product rich in irreplaceable components, and developed taking into account forgotten original traditions and national culture. The analysis was carried out in the laboratory of Almaty Technological University. The calculated part of the finished product was analyzed to determine the chemical composition, the content of micro and macroelements. We have developed the technology of PN Talkan preserving all the useful properties. At the stage of approval of regulatory and technical documents for the production of PN Talkan. In this research work, the traditional product was improved in a new, most useful format. The technology of low-calorie millet talkan has been developed.

Development of technology production of soft cheese "Mozzarella" on the basis of goat’s milk
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Among variety of food products, cheeses occupy one of the leading places. It is a concentrated protein product that is easily absorbed by body and has good organoleptic properties. The purpose of research is to develop technology for the production of soft cheese "Mozzarella" based on the optimal ratio of dairy raw materials (cow's and goat's milk) and enriched by food additive - paprika. Soft cheese product "Mozzarella" made from 50 % goat's milk: 50 % cow's milk became the best example. Standard and generally accepted research methods were used in work in accordance with technological scheme and taking into account latest achievements of science and technology. Physico-chemical indicators of finished products are presented. An x-ray spectroscopic analysis of the composition of chemical elements of soft cheese "Mozzarella", made in ratio of goat and cow milk, with addition of paprika, was carried out. The results of research showed that soft cheese contains many macro- and microelements. The product is rich in valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals, such as calcium - 27.21%, phosphorus - 18.80 %, and has high nutritional value. The implementation of the proposed technology in production allows to obtain products oriented to the domestic market. The developed cheese "Mozzarella" expands range of products, has increased nutritional and biological value, improves organoleptic and functional properties of product.

Effect of blue corn germ levels on quality characteristics of reduced-fat sausages
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The impact of reducing pork fat levels from 21% to 5% with varying concentrations of blue corn germ (2%, 3.5%, 5%, 8.5%, 13.5%, and 18.5%) on the physicochemical and textural properties of low-fat frankfurters was investigated. Decreased fat content correlated with reduced cooking loss, moisture content, and total lightness, redness, and yellowness of the sausages. Conversely, increased firmness and chewiness were observed. Frankfurters containing higher levels of blue corn germ exhibited enhanced firmness and chewiness compared to those with lower levels. Analysis of frankfurters with different fat and blue corn germ levels revealed an increase in hardness until the 8th day of storage, followed by a decrease by the 14th day. Optimal results were observed in samples containing 20% pork fat and 5% blue corn germ. However, excessive blue corn germ inclusion did not yield positive effects.

Effectiveness of digital traceability in long-term storage of semi-smoked sausages
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Semi-smoked sausages are one of the most popular meat products in the world. However, during long-term storage, semi-smoked sausages can be subjected to various unfavorable factors that can lead to deterioration of their quality and safety. This study evaluates the effectiveness of digital traceability in long-term storage of semi-smoked sausages. The main areas of research include conducting experimental studies to evaluate the effectiveness of digital traceability. The scientific significance of the study reveals the effectiveness of using digital traceability to ensure the quality and safety of semi-smoked sausages during long-term storage. The practical significance of the study is that its results can be used to implement digital traceability in the production of semi-smoked sausages. The study utilized blockchain technology to track the storage parameters of semi-smoked sausages. As an experimental object, semismoked sausages with the addition of vegetable components were developed. The storage parameters of the sausages were tracked for 3 months. The results of the study showed that digital traceability provides reliable and transparent control over the condition of semi-smoked sausages at all storage stages. Digital traceability allows monitoring of the following sausage storage parameters: temperature, humidity, light, oxygen, carbon dioxide. These parameters are critical to ensure the quality and safety of semi-smoked sausages. Digital traceability enables real-time monitoring of these parameters, facilitating timely interventions to prevent the deterioration of product quality. In addition, digital traceability ensures transparency of the sausage storage process. Any interested person can get access to information about product storage parameters. This helps to increase consumer confidence in the safety of semi-smoked sausages. The results of the study can be used to implement digital traceability in the production of semi-smoked sausages. The introduction of digital traceability will improve the quality and safety of semi-smoked sausages, as well as increase consumer confidence in this product.

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Bone processing is an urgent task of rational use of meat industry waste. Disposal of cattle bones can be carried out by different methods. Various methods are used for processing bone raw materials, such as mechanical processing, chemical hydrolysis, ultrasonic processing, etc. Processed meat and bone raw materials in meat and bone paste are chemically exposed to ascorbic acid (0.05 M, 1 h, 25 ° C) and pepsin (pH 2.0, t=10...40 ° C, τ=1...8 h). This allows you to reduce the mass of bone particles in meat and bone paste by 70%. Meat and bone paste subjected to enzyme processing can be used in the technology of meat products.