Implicit learning of the mixed type sequences

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The article is devoted to the study of implicit learning of perceptual and categorical sequences. The purpose of the conducted research was to reveal the effect of unconscious acquisition of several regularities that belong to the different organization types. In the course of the experiment, the subjects were presented with words belonging to one of the categories (animate and inanimate) and colored in one of four colors (red, yellow, blue or green). The sequence of categories was organized according to a certain rule, or changed randomly. The colours were always alternating in certain order. At the training stage, it was necessary to react to the color of the word. At the test stage, participants were required to press the key corresponding to the word category. There was a significant dynamics in reducing the reaction time to color from the beginning to the end of the training stage. The results of the study showed that the presence or absence of the sequence of categories in the training process does not affect the performance of the test task.


Cognitive processes, implicit learning, categorical sequences, reaction time

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148312992   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-72-45-50

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