Improving quality of training personnel for high technology industries based on innovative application of competence approach

Автор: Grinberg G.M., Fedorov V.A., Savelyeva M.V., Barhatova D.A.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.17, 2016 года.

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Currently the most significant state mission is an innovative development of Russian aerospace industry as the foundation for a new economic paradigm based on high technologies. Realising the mission is possible if highly-qualified personnel are available, and they are ready for innovative transformations in the industry, that requires to apply new or significantly advanced methodologies in training university graduates to be the major part of the personnel at the enterprises of aerospace industry. Researchers in the field of theory and methodology of professional education propose different solutions for personnel training and employment issue, one of them is connected with the paradigm of competence approach. The authors’ analysis of domestic and foreign publications demonstrates that there is not enough focused research in the field of competence approach potential application to organise proficient students’ training. This results in the necessity to develop new teaching technologies meeting modern requirements to the level of graduates’ competence. The goal of the research is to identify organizational educational conditions of applying competence approach technologies to improve the quality of training graduates whose majors are “Innovation technologies” and “Control systems of flying vehicles”, while they are doing academic assignments in cooperation. To specify the rational conditions and spheres of cooperation we have analysed the requirements of Federal state educational standards of high education for bachelor training whose major is 222000 “Innovation technologies” and specialists in major of 161101 “Control systems of flying vehicles”. We have compared the main characteristics in professional activity according to the graduates’ training programmes: the spheres, objects, and types of professional activity, job assignments as well as the requirements to the graduates demonstrated by the set of common cultural and professional competences. We have indicated their similarities and differences. According to the obtained results of the comparative analysis and the competence approach we consider the possibility to train students of “Innovation technologies” together with technical students applying interdisciplinary, inter-field specific education interaction. We prove the necessity to develop the interaction to increase the quality of teaching common cultural and professional competences to the students. We show the results of practical using the proposed approach on the example of training students with majors at the departments “Organisation and Management of High-Technology Enterprises” and “Systems of Automatic Control”.


Personnel training, quality of education, interdisciplinary interaction, inter-field specific education interaction, common cultural and professional competences, competence approach

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177625

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