Information technologies in preparation students of technical higher education institutions to engineering activities for the creation of science-intensive technical objects

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The article presents the scientific results of the research carried out by the authors on the problem of teaching students of technical universities to create/develop intellectual property objects. Objects of intellectual property, unlike other types of property, have an intangible basis, are created on the basis of the latest knowledge of world science and technology. The main resource for creating objects/products of intellectual property are engineering and reengineering developments of scientists, engineering specialists and inventors to create science-intensive and high-tech technical, including transport objects of new generations, competitive on the world market and recognized as official state patents by departments in the aggregate of their distinctive properties from analogues and prototypes by objects of intellectual property. According to the Patent Law of the Russian Federation, objects of intellectual property are: objects of copyright, typology of integrated circuits, objects of industrial property and know-how. In turn, the industrial property cluster includes: technology patents, inventions, devices, utility model patents, industrial design patents, trademark certificates, computer programs and computer databases. It is extremely important that intellectual property as a commodity has its own value in the market of intellectual services and is an object of intangible assets of an enterprise/company. Authors-developers and enterprises/firms/corporations and the state as a whole are interested in creating intellectual property objects, since it makes a large contribution to the gross domestic product. Since it is impossible to teach how to create objects of intellectual property in a short time, the process of forming such a specialist must begin at the stage of professional training at a university.


Students of technical universities, objects of intellectual property, science-intensive high-tech objects, patents, computer programs of technical creativity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148327203   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-91-76-82

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